Angle Wings

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A black room, dark and cold. A fire burns in the corner. Green and cold, it cast a sickly glow over the room. A figure sits atop a black throne. Black horns sprouting from amongst his long black hair.

The sounds of chains rattling bounce of the walls of the throne room. An empty smile crosses the Devils face, displaying his white teeth. A crowd of unpleasant looking leprechauns enter the room. They wear dark green suits, L's sewen in gold on their chests. Their long red hair pulled into buns at the top of their necks. Each carries a black chain that all lead up to one figure clad in white.

As she enters the room, it lights up. Her Honey brown eyes stay high and find the man atop the chair. She walks behind the tiny men until they stop in front of their master. She blows a strand of golden blond hair that escaped it's elegant bun, out of her face. Her hands are bound under her white cloak.

The devil is only concerned with one thing though. The minute she entered the room, his grey eyes went straight the the feathery beauties behind her. Her wings stand high and proud behind her, silver gems glitter amongst the pure white feathers.

"You have given my minions quite the challenge to catch you, I respect that. I see they had you cleaned up." He stopped looking at her wings and sees that she has cuts patched up and the ghosts of stains on her clothes.

"Ah well your hear now, and you know what I want from you." His voice is cold and has a sick joy behind it.

"Tye her down." The leprechauns leap into action, pulling at her chains and dragging her to the ground. The angle lies on her stomach at the feet of her enemy. Her eyes find his. She stares him down as he picks up his sliver dagger and walks to her face.

"Thank you for giving me such a lovely present, I really will enjoy them." With that he leaves the angels line of sight. He walks behind her and with one swift movement slices of her wings. A cry rings through the room as the devil himself picks up the pair of wings, steps over the weeping angel and puts them on a shelf amongst his collection of fallen angel wings.

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