How dare you

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Sitting class I remember what he said last night. How I cried for hours, how I couldn't stop shaking. Now those feelings are gone and I just feel empty. I pick up my phone and scroll through the conversation.



"Why so formal? 😂😂😂"

"Why does it matter?  Can't I act how I want?"

"I never said that you couldn't, are you OK,  you seem uptight."

"I'm not uptight I just don't want to talk to you or anyone, you all just keep hating me."

"What are you talking about?"

"You know what don't worry. I used to really care for you, you were one of my best friends. Now I don't think I would feel any different if I found out you were dead."

"I never hated you. But if this is how you feel then I will get of you back, goodbye. Have a nice life."

"You finally got the memo, thank you. I will now that your gone."

I still don't understand why he said all those things, but I don't think I want to know. I look up from my phone to see someone standing there smiling at me. Not just someone, him.

"Hey. How you doing today?"

"Unfortunately for you, not dead."

"Oh come on, don't be sour about it! I didn't mean it." Anger fills my body.

"Oh you didn't mean it huh? You didn't mean to say you hate me, that all of our talks have meant nothing to you, that I'm am worth less then a slug to you? I hope your happy, you the first person to ever make me cry."

"One conversation shouldn't do this to a friendship, stop being a party popper!"

"From what I have heard, you have said the equivalent of that to all of your friends. So goodluck finding anyone who will care about you. You have just lost a lot of loyal people." With that, I get up and walk out of his life for good.

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