CHAPTER 33 (by Yehjee)

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This is finally the last episode of My Sassy Girl.

Thank you all for reading and loving the series.


Her: Gyeonwoo~ let me see the time capsule

Gyeonwoo: Sure, here you are.

Her: Ohh~ this is cool

Gyeonwoo: Of course! This costs as much as my 2 month stipend!!

Her: What? Is it that expensive?

Gyeonwoo: What's more, now I have to cook by myself at home... -_-;;

Her: What? What are you talking about?

Gyeonwoo: You have no idea... (crying)

She and I are at a cafe near Gangnam station. She told me to buy the time capsule by today... and I made it!!

Although it wasn't easy...

She kept playing with the time capsule and started to search something in her bag.

And then she picked up something and started to wave it toward my face.

Gyeonwoo: What's that buff thing?

Her: Buff??! You wanna die?

She gave the thing that came out from the bag.

I looked at it carefully and it's not actually buff.. but yellow..

It was a light yellow envelop with a cute sticker on it. It seemed like there are quite a lot of letters in the envelop.

Gyeonwoo: Is this money???

Her: -_-;;;;

Gyeonwoo: I need money!! I gotta be starving for two months from now... (crying)

She suddenly took the letter from my hand.

Gyeonwoo: Hey!! Why are you taking it away from me! Isn't it for me?

Her: Yeah it is... but not until next week

Gyeonwoo: Give it back to me!!

Her: Nooo.. I'm gonna keep it until next week

Gyeonwoo: But why have you brought a letter all of a sudden? Can't I just read it now?

Her: No you can't! You've also brought a letter right?

Gyeonwoo: Yeah, you want it now?

Her: Yeah give it to me.

She just all of a sudden asked me to write a letter,

and I didn't even ask her to but she also brought a letter...

Anyways we exchanged our letters. -_-;;;

Oh no, this is not exchanging actually because she took her letter from me.

Only my letter is in her hands.

Her: Gyeonwoo, let's go bury the time capsule next week.

Gyeonwoo: Alright, but what happened to you? Why do you sound so weak?

Her: No it's nothing...

I have been already guessing that she is goning to put the letters into the time capsule.

Having a time capsule of two of us would be a promise of the time we have spent together.

The time of only me and her.

I don't know the meaning of the time but her week voice kept bothering my mind.

I tried to smile and stared at her.

I suddenly wanted to smoke.

I took out a cigarette from my jean pocket.

She is sitting quiet in front of me.

In between of me and her, there is a yellow and white colored envelop.

In the letter that I wrote, there is the whole days that I have spent with her.

And also there is me. My feelings and emotions and everything....

I am not sure whether I shared my feelings with her or we have been living with different feelings from each other.

And also there is an oval time capsule in between us.

The meaning of the time capsule.

Meeting? Love? Farewell? Memory?

I am not sure about it right now but I'm gonna get it someday,

the oval time capsule and the quadrangular envelop,

whether those shapes will harmonize or not.



I am not a writer. I don't even know how to write.

That's why i don't even want to call this a writing and I don't wanted it to be called as writing.

By a small chance, I uploaded my small memory on an internet website.

At first I thought 'who's gonna read my writings?', but it started to get popular and it has even get published as a book

First of all, I would like to thank all of the internet users who have read my story,

and I think i'm gonna answer a question that I have received the most from them.

My answer for the question "Is this writing based on true story?" has always been the same.

Is it really important whether it is based on true story?

I think, for those who believe it is based on true story, it is; for those who do not, it is not.

Apart from whether it is or not, I am just happy if many people could feel something from my small memory,

whether it is love, hope or despair.

Even if people say they couldn't feel anything but could laugh at least one time, I am happy with it.

Also, a lot of readers have been sending me questions about love.

I don't know anything about love. There are 5 billion people in this world, and there are 5 billion different loves,

I do not have any ability to define love which has so many different images for different people.

However, all of those each love has something in common,

which is that it someday lasts as a memory after some time.

Thus, for those of you who is gonna be in love in there 20s, or those who are now in love in their 20s, or those who had memories in their 20s,

I am releasing my small memory  

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2018 ⏰

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