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Guess where was I the next morning.

No, guess.

Yes, at school. Because,when you drown the thermometer in boiling hot water it shows over 100°C. and I was the stupidest thing alive to believe that would look like fever.

So, after, I almost gave my innocent, little grandma a heart attack for the second time this week, I had to go to school. Yayyyy.

I arrived at the school and I became a shadow, doing all this amazing things the ninja turtles do, parkour jumping and walking without anyone seeing them. And there's only one thing I need to say: The floor is not clean. I think I have chewed fun on my jeans and something else that I will act like it's a balloon...

Worst of all, was that, my best friend (and basically my only friend) decided to come late at school that morning. So I had no choice...

I had to hang out with the girls....


*Drum rolls*

The science club.

If I were a nerd, than they would be considered the ultimate nerds that ever existed in the whole universe.

But from being totally alone and talking to my imaginary friends...it was better.

They were gathered in front of the entrance at the hallway where the classrooms were, like those grandmas that sit on plastic chairs and gossip about the whole neighborhood.

After staying five minutes with them I realised, they would probably win those grandmas in a competition about gossiping, and with a big difference.

And just when I thought they wouldn't ask...

"Emma, do you have a boyfriend?" Peper asked me, their leader, raising her eyebrow, which looked like batman's sign, a few times.

Ok, that was totally a trap!

"Actually, no."I said."I dont need a boyfriend, I have a punching bag, it's the same. And he doesn't talk about football all the time!"

And.....I was the only one laughing. #foreveralone.

"Are you sure?" Peper continued."Because of what we have heard-not that we believe in rumors for gods shake- everybody is talking about you and...Aston King?"

Here's that thing again.

"No, believe me, none of them are true! Nothing would ever happen between me and Aston King!! Even if we were the last survivors of the zombie apocalypse."

"That's good!"everyone was smiling. "What a relief! Well, we didn't really believe that he would be with you but--"

"Wait, why?"

What? I was just curious!!

"Because as you said, it...it wouldn't work! I mean you are from different worlds. It's like a broccoli having a relationship with a jar of nuttela!"

And I was the broccoli...

Ughh, why can't I be the nuttela??

"In fact, he only dates blonde sexy cheerleaders. You are not blonde, neither a cheerleader and not even...."


Yep. I was as sexy as Patrick star with ripped leggings and stiletto boots.
Aka not in the least.

"And I'm not saying it like it's a bad thing, I'm just explaining what kind of girls he usually dates"

Yes, like I cared.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2020 ⏰

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