A part of me lost...

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Kill me Logan
Kill me before I kill someone else......

Her words still echo inside my mind. That's was dad trying to said but I'm out of control right now is not a good idea be next to him. Right now I'm in the last place I could imagine looking outside the stunning view. The sound of the door opening and see this old smiling guy. In person look more different
Mr. Presidents!
Is so good to see you.....The president said shaking hands with Hank
Like wise.....Hank said polite
Who the lovely lady?.......
When he said that I'm just turning slowly look at him smiling and I can make a bet my cheeks are on fire.
She's the daughter of my best friend and she's staying with me. Melanie meet the president....Hank said taking my hand and bringing closer to them
Pleasure to meet you, Sir.......I said very shy
Beautiful and very polite you better keep your eyes on her....he said shaking my hand feeling myself shrinking
I'm always does thank you for your advised....Hank said smiling at me and pointed the sofa opposed to them. I'm just sit and look at them suddenly there faces changing.
Hank, that was an isolated incident. You have to understand. Those mutants were a real threat....the president said making look at him strange. What's going on?
Have you even begun to think what a slippery slope you're on?.....Hank said in reprimand making me pale. If he scolding the president.
I have.....the president said a little ashamed walking around his desk.
He do!......I said low but Hank look at me. I'm just move my hand like nothing happened keep going.
And I worry about how democracy survives when one man can move cities with his hands.....the president said making me look at him tensed. His talk about Uncle Eric.
As do I......Hank simple said
You I know that it's only going to get worse.....the president said in front of him.
His mind already told me was decision he made straight up and standing next to him.
All the more reason why. I need to be where I belong.....Hank said said turning looking at me. I'm just nodding in agree and we walk out
What now?.....I ask walking next to him. He look at me first actually he don't need to said it. Making me smile. Feeling the black smoke around me ready to leave.
Okay, I'll go with you but I have to see dad first...

We are in Jeans old house Storm parking the car and Logan helping me with the chair. We are approaching to her house.
Wait for me here........
The three of us stop turning and see her approaching wearing a midnight blue dress very elegant and her hair fix in a simple styles pony tail.
You promised me......Melanie said standing in front of me seriously.
And I told you we gonna have all the time of our live together.....I said admiring her and see Logan reaction when he saw her.
Melanie!......Logan said literary holding his breath
Logan.....Melanie said polite but the feeling was the same. Kneeling in front of me on my ear.
I won't handle another kind of pain......Melanie said very low looking down. I'll do the same
I'm always gonna be with you.....I said kissing her hair move the chair back turning and keep my road
I need to see Jean alone.......I said without looking Melanie but feeling her eyes on me.
You were right. This one is special.....Magneto said looking at me but he notice was going on between me and Melanie.
What the hell are you doing here?.....Logan said anger. Suddenly a pair of cold hand falling on my shoulder knowing.
The same as the professor. Visiting an old friend. Hello Melody......Magneto said bow a little looking at her.
Hello Uncle.....Melanie simple said
You would be the only mutant that I would never hurt. You know that....Magneto said that to Melanie.
I know.......Melanie simple smile but I can feel her hands trembling.
I don't want trouble here.....I said to Magneto
Nor do I, Charles. So shall we go inside?.....Magneto said turning walking. I'm just following him.
I came to bring Jean home. Don't interfere, Eric....I said next to him
Just like old times, huh?......Magneto said walking
She needs help. Jean is not well......I said going inside first.
Funny. You sound just like her parents...Magneto said behind me
Eric, don't forget your promised......I said without looking
Believe me is the only one I'm intend to keep. You can feel relax....Magneto said turning looking.
Nobody gets inside and the lady on blue dress off limits you better not even scratch her.....

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