year one: the letter

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so hey what up it's me just here with some things to know:
(l/n) = last name
(f/i) = first initial

(y/n)'s pov

when you've been living in an orphanage as long as i have, everything seems normal to you.

for example:
-mean kids
-mean kids getting adopted
-getting adopted than being sent back
- "you're a lovely kid, but you're just not right for us"

but nothing, absolutely nothing, is weirder than getting a letter, when you have no known living family members.

so when i got out of bed on july 25th, got tripped down the stairs, and went to the kitchen, i was surprised to see a letter for me on the mail board.

at the orphanage i live at, we have a thing called a mail board, where all the mail we get is pinned on the board, usually the letters are from friends or family (family that isn't eligible to adopt you normally). considering i have no friends or family, i shouldn't get a letter. i thought it was addressed wrong, i mean, there could be hundreds of (y/n) (l/n)'s (my last name was given to me by the government). i took a closer look at the address, and felt my stomach drop.

the address stated:

miss (f/i). (l/n)
the second bedroom on the left of the third floor
wool's orphanage
london, england

well, it definitely wasn't addressed wrong.

i snatched my letter from the board. i started to head up to my room when i was stopped by three people.

remember when i was talking about mean kids? well, these are them.

the first one was named princess, which is something she is not. i like to think princesses were nice.

the second one was named matyson. i never understood why her parents couldn't just spell it "madison" like everyone else.

the last one's name was bruce. bruce wasn't even a bad name, but every time i said it i thought of batman.

so here i was, standing in front of the three meanest kids on planet earth, holding the only letter i've gotten in my ten (almost eleven) years of life.

and just when i thought it was a good day.

"what you got there?" princess asked.

"if you learned how to use your eyes, maybe you'd figure out it was a letter," i said, emphasizing the word letter.

"don't talk to us like that," matyson said.

"oh, i'm sorry mom, oh wait, i don't have one, and neither do you. so you can't tell me what to do," i stated, with a smirk on my face.

"give us the letter," bruce spoke.

"get your own letter, i'm sure all your friends from school have sent you some," i said. i walked past them, but in the process, princess took the letter.

"give it back or i'll punch you to hell," i said. yeah, i know it's bad language, but it's the first letter i've ever gotten.

"yeah, um, no," she said.

she tore the letter in half. than she tore it in half again. and again and again until the pieces were so small they could be confetti. i was fighting back tears.

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