year one: the man with all the answers

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i don't think there's anything to know, just enjoy!

(y/n)'s pov

on july 27th, i jumped out of bed so fast i tripped and face planted onto the floor. mrs. warren had already told me that the man i was meeting with didn't want to adopt me, but i was still excited.

i skipped downstairs to the kitchen and looked at the mail board.

another letter was there.

it was the same letter, with the same address.

obviously, i wanted to read it. but i also didn't want princess to come along and pull the same thing she did yesterday. there's a point in life where i can't take anymore crap, and i have reached that point.

i quickly snatched the letter off the board. when i started opening it, i heard the unpleasant voices of 1/3 of the terrible three.

"did someone get another letter?" witch asked. i turned around to face them.

"look, i'm not in the mood today. just let me read my letter," i said. i tried to walk around them, but they pulled the same stunt as yesterday. this time, madeline was the one who took it.

"matyson , please give it back. you are not like her," i spoke. she looked at me. her hand started to move towards me as if she was giving me back the letter, but before she could, batman took it out of her hand, and then he passed it to witch.

she ripped the letter. again.

at this point, i just watched her rip my paper into little pieces of confetti. i sunk to my knees and just sat there, staring at the pieces of paper that used to be my letter. a letter that could be from a long-lost relative. an uncle that could have been traveling across asia for the past ten years and hasn't had any communication with the outside world. i squeezed my eyes close, and just sat there. i closed my hand into a fist and could feel my fingernails piercing my palms. i was mad. i was sad. i wanted to cry, but i couldn't. i could hear the terrible three minus madeline laughing at me, but all i could do was keep my eyes shut and squeeze my hands together.

then i heard it.

it was glass breaking, but it was a few rooms over. it was probably a vase, mrs. warren liked to keep three or four in every room. she thought the flowers "lightened up the place". i assumed one of the other kids broke it, so i ignored it and stayed on the floor.

but then i heard another vase break.

then another.

and another.

and another.

at this point i opened my eyes. all the vases in this room were broken. the terrible three were gone. all i could hear was glass breaking. i got up and ran out of the room. i heard a scream, and ran to the living room. one of the younger kids, ava, was on the ground in the middle of the room. the living room was the biggest room, so it had about five times the normal amount of vases. there were vases falling off the walls, one by one. ava was crying. i ran over to her and hugged her. i could hear mrs. warren telling kids to stay away from the wall. i just stayed where i was and hugged ava. i silently wished and hoped that the vases would stop falling and-

they stopped.

i looked up. i listened. there were no vases falling. i stood up. ava, who's four, stood up as well, and grabbed my hand. we walked around, being very careful to avoid the glass on the ground, until we found mrs. warren. i looked at her, and said,

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