Chapter 1

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Authors note: Translations will be in bold, enjoy!!!

Adaya P.O.V

As I open the temple door, I get smacked with a gust of wind mixed with dust. It smells of caducity and has cobwebs everywhere. You could tell this place has been here for centuries.

I grab my flashlight out of my pack and turn it on. Unfortunately I made it here at night but can't turn back now. Cautiously entering, I look around dodging webs.

I almost jump out of my skin, when I hear something move near by. I flash my light over to it and of course, there's a rat. I continue walking in further, completely mesmerized by the ancient writings and symbols on the walls.

As I continue scanning the room, my eyes land on the most beautiful thing. I walk closer feeling lured to it like its calling me.

Ελα σε μένα
Come to me

I walk even closer to it like I'm in a trance, I can't pull away. When I get closer to the ancient vase on the platform, the voice gets even louder.

Ελάτε σε με και αφήστε μου, παιδί Μου
Come to me and release me, My child

I grab the vase from the platform and slam it on the floor releasing a black smoke. The smoke swirled around the room then came straight at me. I tried to turn and run but was glued to the very spot I stood.

The smoke entered my mouth and I could feel myself being pushed away. My body began to rise, no longer feeling the ground beneath my feet. I couldn't move or scream, it was like I was no longer in control of my body. In that very moment, I realized I was no longer alone in my own body and then I hear the voice once again.

Είστε τώρα το σκάφος μου
You are my vessel now

With that being said, Darkness took over.
I wake feeling groggy, I slowly open my eyes being blinded by the blazing white light in the room. I blink a couple of times then finally adjust to the light. I look down at my body seeing that I'm naked with a small cloth wrapped around my breast and another small cloth around my bottom. There are IVs in my arms and other wires connected to my stomach, legs, and head. My arms and legs are chained to the table I'm laying on.

I have some scars on my body and I don't even know how I got them. I start panicking not knowing where I am. I scream trying to wiggle out of the chains. The machines are blaring so loud mixed with the alarms in the room.

My eyes shoot towards the door when I hear a lock click then the alarm stops in the room. The door opens and soldiers, doctors, and people in suits enter the room. They close the door back and lock it. A doctor rushes over to me. "Please help me, where am I."

I scream when I see her pull a syringe out of her pocket "No no please what is happening!! Where am I?"

She sticks the syringe in my arm and pushes the liquid in then takes the syringe out. "What was that stuff? What is happening? Who are you people? Where am I? SOMEONE PLEASE ANSWER ME!"

A guy in a suit comes up to me "Enough with the games, Eris".

"Who are you talking about? My name is not Eris. My name is Adaya".

"No Eris! I will not fall for your tricks again."

"Please sir, please believe me. You have the wrong girl. My name is Adaya Zorah Jailen. Please let me go. You"

I start to get drowsy and weak then I slip into unconsciousness.
As I wake, I feel even more groggier than last time I woke. I slowly open my eyes and it was like the light had grown brighter. When I finally adjust to the light, I look around the room to find that everyone had left.

The door opens and in walks the same guy from before I passed out "I'm glad to see you awake." He walks to the side of me "My doctors took some test while you were asleep and they found two traces of DNA but one is dormant which we assume is Eris at the moment, its nice to meet you adaya".

I roll my eyes and he smirks "I'm sorry about before and I'm Jori Lombardi by the way". He grabs the stool that was in the corner of the room and sits next to me "I have some questions for you if you don't mind."

I scoff and imagine myself crossing my arms "Its not like I have a choice."

He smirks again then scans through some papers on a clipboard "Do you remember anything from the last month?"

Now that I think about it "No, I don't."

He nods "Interesting. Do you know why you are here?"

I look at him with my eyes squinted "Did it seem like I know why I'm here."

He chuckles "I'm sorry, I had to ask."

I look away rolling my eyes.

"Do you know of a goddess named Eris?"

"Yes, I read about her in college". I look over at him in curiosity.

"What can you tell me about her?"

"She is the goddess of chaos, strife and discord. Her name is the of latin Discordia, which means "discord". The most famous tale of Eris recounts her initiating the Trojan War by causing the Judgement of Paris. The goddesses Hera, Athena and Aphrodite had been invited along with the rest of Olympus to the forced wedding of Peleus and Thetis, who would become the parents of Achilles, but Eris had been snubbed because of her troublemaking inclinations. Thats all I really remember".

He smirks for the 3rd time nodding "That about covers it. Well anyways I'm sorry to say this but you have been possessed by Eris for the past month. We captured you 3 days ago in paris causing hell on earth then we subdued her and I guess that was a chance for your soul to rise back in control".

I was in shock then after a few minutes I bursted out in laughter "Is that the best you guys have as an excuse for catching the wrong girl for some messed up crime or something. Gods and goddesses aren't real. Now let me go now and I might consider not going to your boss about this!"

The door opens and in walks a soldier with a tv on a rolling table. He places it where I could see it then plays it. There I was floating in mid air looking sooo beautiful. I made buildings crumble to the ground with my mind and I was shooting fire from my hands. I was in shock as I watched myself destroy a once precious city.

I look back over to Jori in shock and disgust "Okay I believe you, just turn it off please."

He nods his head at the soldier and the soldier turns it off then leaves the room with the tv. "We want to keep you here monitored for a few more days because we don't know how long she will stay dormant."

I nod agreeing "Okay but I have a few conditions."

He nods then grabs a paper and pen "Go ahead."

"I want a better sleeping arrangement, I want food like right now and these wires gone. I want a tv with a remote in my new sleeping arrangement and finally I want to see my family."

"Alright, I can make those things happen as long as you stay cooperating. I'll be back and I'll get your family down here as soon as we get you moved to somewhere more comfortable".

I nod and he gets up putting the stool back then exits the room.

Author's Note:
I hope you enjoyed!! Please please vote and I would really appreciate any feedback given in the comments! VOTE VOTE VOTE!! COMMENT COMMENT COMMENT!!
I would also really appreciate any covers you guys can create for me! Just send the covers that you created to my email

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