Chapter 2

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~The Next Day~

I wake to see jori coming in the room "Glad you are awake, we have your room ready." He walks over to me "You ready?"

I nod so he begins pulling the IVs and wires out & off of my body. I wince with every one removed. He pulls a key from out of his pocket then unchains me. He helps me sit up and I massage my sore wrists and ankles.

He helps me off of the table. As soon as he lets go to turn off the machines, I fall right on my face "Ow."

He chuckles then puts his hand out "Its been awhile since you walked, you are gonna have to get used to it again." I ignore it rolling my eyes then pull myself up using the table. I try walking again but almost fall so I sit back on the table crossing my arms.

He looks at me smirking "You wanna accept my help now."

I roll my eyes "Fine." I put my arm out then he puts his arm around my waist and I put my arm around his neck. I slowly get off the table then almost fall again but he tightens his grip on my waist "Its okay to lean on me, use me."

I roll my eyes again then tighten my grip on his shoulder. We walk to the door then he puts a pin in the keypad unlocking the door. He pushes the door open then we step out. There are 2 soldiers outside of the room. We walk over to an elevator then enter. We ride it all the way to the 10th floor from the underground floor.

The doors open revealing a room full of workers at desks. The room becomes completely quiet with everyone staring at me. "Well this is embarrassing, why am I wearing such small clothing? I hope my ass isn't hanging out."

He laughs then looks back "You are fine."

I scoff at him "Did you just look at my ass."

He nods nonchalantly "Yep its not like I haven't seen it all."

I hit his chest "Excuse me."

He chuckles "What? When we captured you, we had to clean your body."

I scoff "You could have gotten a woman to do it."

"We did but I was supervising."

I just roll my eyes and we walk through the room. Then some guy walks up to us and hands something to Jori "here is the key you asked for boss."

He nods thanking the guy then we continue walking until we get to a door and he pins in another code. It opens revealing a room full of doctors and scientists. They become quiet and staring just like the others. I roll my eyes getting annoyed "So YOU are the boss of this place and what is this place by the way?"

We continue walking "Yeah I'm the boss, I built this organization from the ground up. I've always believed in the supernatural, ya know. I've researched and researched. I believe that there are a lot of things that our species don't truly know and I fell in love with the history of it all. Gods and Goddesses are very interesting and very real. They are out there in this world disguised as mere humans. So I decided to start an organization in capturing evil, protecting the world."

"Thats really cool, before this I would have never believed any of this was real. I mean even though I'm an archeologist and I find all kinds of ancient artifacts. I could never wrap my head around gods and goddesses being real and still around. I just thought gods and goddesses were just myths in peoples belief."

He nods looking a bit surprised then chuckles "I would have never guessed you to be an archeologist, you look more like the type to be a model or something wayyy far from archeologist."

I nod smiling "Yeahhhh every time I mention that I'm an archeologist to someone, they seem to not believe me but I've always loved history."

"Thats cool so I'm guessing thats how Eris was able to inhabit your body. You touched something you weren't supposed to." He raised his eyebrow in curiosity.

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