Chapter 6: F.R.I.E.N.D.S

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Weeks had past by and Jack still hasn't remembered me. In fact he told me to stay away from him and to stop texting him but I know that it was all Rapunzel's doing.

"So Flynn why is it that you're hanging out with me and not Jack and them?" I asked taking a bite of my mashed potatoes.

"Because you're so much cooler." He confides in the lie which I knew that he was.

"Tell me the truth." I demand.

"Okay." He started sighing putting his spoon down. "Before Jack had that accident he convinced me to tell Rapunzel that I liked her and ask her out, since Hiccup and I convinced him into asking you out." He says.

"You guys did that?" I asked a bit shocked.

"Will yeah! We all knew that he was in love with you this whole time." Eugene exclaims.

"Really?" I asked making him nod. "So what else happened?"

"Will long story short I made a HUGE fool of myself because Rapunzel turned me down when I asked her out. And then few days later Jack gets into this car accident when coming back from this business trip with his dad. But then I was out of town when that happened." Eugene stops and sighs.

"And?" I question for him to continue.

"And when he woke up from his coma Rapunzel and Hiccup was the only two there. So he only remembers them. But I kinda think that Rapunzel convinced him to thinking that she was his girlfriend this whole time." Eugene says.

"That-that which!" I exclaimed hitting the table and making everyone in the cafeteria look at me. I got embarrassed and covered my face and motion Eugene to continue. So he did.

"And so Hiccup is there trying to convince him that he was in love with you not her!" Eugene tells me. "But it doesn't seem to be working!" Eugene exclaims.

"Will I'm not giving up. He's gonna remember me one way or another." I say looking at Jack who was sitting close to Rapunzel.

She will regret doing this to him and to me. I'll show her who he really loves. I thought to myself.

"Hey guys sorry I'm late I was held up in class. So whatcha talking about?" Merida asks sitting down with her plate stuffing her face.

"Jack." I say sadly.

"And Rapunzel." Eugene says sadly too.

"Whoa what have I missed?" She asked.

"Flynn told me why he doesn't hang around with Jack and Hiccup anymore and that he thinks Rapunzel convinced Jack that he was her boyfriend and that they're in love." I explained.

"Oh." Merida says looking down. "I kinda think that she's just jealous of you." Merida adds.

"Really?" I asked.

Merida nodded. I looked at Rapunzel and started thinking about Rapunzel being jealous of me. Suddenly the bell rang making Merida groan.

We got up and started walking to our class. It was with Mrs. Brady again but this time Merida was in it with us.

"Will hello again." Mrs. Brady says happily. "Ah I'll never get tired of saying that. Will mostly because I have you guys in the morning and afternoon." She says again happily.

Merida was in our group. It was the three of us.

"Okay so who wants to go first with their song?" Mrs. Brady asks. Everyone tries to dodge Mrs. Bradys look. "Ah Eugene." Mrs. Brady says looking at him.

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