Chapter 1

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Captain Justice slowly walked towards the Grinder, who was lying on the ground, trying to crawl away from him.

"Game over, Grinder.  I don't know what you enjoy about stuffing people into meat grinders, but you won't be able to do it in a prison cell." The Grinder, who was incredibly fat with a huge bloodstain on his filthy apron. He had been dabbling in drugs, to pay for more meat grinders. The man was a maniac. Five people were dead, their remains turned into burger patties... The Captain felt Ambush stand by his side. Ambush opened his mouth to speak, and the Captain prepared to hear a hilarious comment about his 'stunning' good looks.

"Just FYI, Grinder... You might want to shave off that horrific moustache... You couldn't be more of a cliché butcher. If you want to get the girls, do you best to look like me. It's kinda impossible, because I've reached god-like levels of attractiveness, but -" He began. The Captain interrupted him.

"Yes... Thank you Ambush... Your input was very much needed..." smiled the Captain. Ambush put his hands up in defence.

"Just trying to help..." he walked off, most likely to flirt with Midnight.

"You and your superhero friends think you are invincible. There is a storm coming, Captain. And when it hits, you and your precious Justice Division will be the first of the many casualties. And he will walk over your bloodied corpses" The Grinder spat. The Captain let out a laugh.

"Yeah... Whatever pal..." He walked away, signalling to the surrounding police. They swarmed in, and put the Grinder in handcuffs, and threw him in the back of the police van. The Justice Division walked towards each other. The Captain looked at how far he had come. In just a year, he had turned from a scared, weak wannabe hero, into a brave, strong, real superhero. Smack-Down, Ambush, Midnight and Voltage. Smack-Down: A huge, muscly tank of a person, wearing a dark blue padded armoured vest, with his muscly arms exposed. Ambush: A quick, agile martial arts expert, with the personality of a child. A very funny, immature child. He was armed with a bo-staff, which could be separated into two smaller sticks, similar to batons. He used these to take out large numbers of enemies at once, hence the name, Ambush. He wore a black and orange padded armour suit. Midnight: Compared to Midnight, Ambush is a novice at martial arts. She was Chinese, yet her accent was fading away. Midnight could literally take on huge gangs without a scratch. She wielded two nun-chucks. She wore the same costume that a ninja would wear, but with her face exposed, and with extra padding. Instead of the normal mask, that most superheroes wear, Captain Justice included, wore a ninja eye mask, tied with a knot at the back of her head. And finally, Voltage. The oldest of the group, but he doesn't need strength. Using his shock gauntlets, he can draw electricity from electronic devices, and shoot it out, immediately taking down any opponents. He could even kill if he wanted to. And thanks to Voltage, the Captain had been given an upgrade. His batons now shocked opponents when they were hit with them. Voltage was a professor who specialized in electricity. And that was the Justice Division. Small, quiet, but powerful.

"So, do you guys just want to chill back at Justice Tower or should we just go home?" asked Smack-Down. Before the Captain could reply, Ambush piped up.

"I can't sleep now! I'm too awake!-" Ambush threw a few fists, fighting imaginary enemies- "We did just arrest a murderer guys! Let's just go back to Justice Tower, crank open a few beers and relax!" Midnight looked distastefully at Ambush, and addressed the team.

"A warrior must have a good rest every night. I will go to bed," she said. Ambush slumped, looking betrayed.

"But I had the whole night planned out Midnight! We were going to get drunk, listen to some of my personal favourite love songs, and-"

"- That's quite enough of that Ambush. Like that would ever happen anyway..." began Smack-Down. The Captain shut his eyes, and listened to the hilarious comments Ambush made. He had to admit, Ambush was funny. Midnight was extremely serious, and had never once cracked a smile because of Ambush's jokes. The Captain was also too awake to go to bed, so the Justice Division, returned back to the top few floors of Justice Tower, one of the biggest buildings in Europe, and relaxed.

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