Chapter 7

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The entire team, including James stood on the roof of the Justice Building. The man they were supposed to meet hadn't turned up, even though the group had been waiting for half an hour. The freezing cold wind didn't exactly cheer them up. Why was his armour not warm at all? He needed to fix that. After another ten minutes, the man finally arrived. Finally crashed to be more precise. They heard a yell, and a man flew at a huge speed towards them. He didn't stop, and fell onto the roof, skidding across it. He got up, and looked at the group.

"Captain Justice... I've always wanted to meet you!" he said. He had a very deep voice. The man walked towards him and pulled off his balaclava. He had chocolate coloured skin with brown eyes. He had a small beard around his lips.

"Before we start talking, can we just get inside? I'm freezing over here." Said Ambush.

"I agree." Said the Captain. The seven of them took the elevator back down to the penthouse. In the light of the pent-house, the Captain could see his features more clearly. He wasn't exactly young, but he wasn't old. He looked like he was in his early thirties at least.

"So... What's your name?" asked Smack-Down.

"Ronan. Ronan Hedgeworth." He said. "Obviously you want to talk to me about this:" he said, and levitated the TV remote.

"Yeah... We uh..." began the Captain. "James, why don't you show him." James nodded, and levitated the Xbox controller sitting on the table. Ronan's eyes immediately widened.

"You have it too! I thought I was alone!" he blurted out.

"We want to know how you got these powers" said James.

"I was in the military. A scientist. I worked at a facility so secret that they wouldn't even tell me the name or location of it. One day I was called to study a discovery that a young child found in a cave. It was a strange artefact. It softly glowed green, and hummed whenever someone would get close. I had to wear a Hazmat suit because I was told that the child that found it touched it and somehow dropped dead. I approached it, and it hummed loudly. Then I got closer, and the glow brightened. I could hear voiced through my ear-piece telling me to get out of the room, but I was in a sort of trance. I got even closer, and then touched it. I was blasted backwards. When I woke, I had a awful head-ache. I studied the artefact for several more days. It was often transported by train, to keep it's location a secret. But one day, when I was at the base, I collapsed, and then I woke up, in a room, surrounded by doctors-" James opened his mouth to speak, but the Captain held up a hand. "-experimenting on me. I suddenly had powers, and I managed to escape. I was in Area 51. I got a plane back to England, and here I am." Ronan finished. The Captain was disappointed. Ronan's story barely explained James' story. He sat there thinking, while the rest of the team asked questions.

"The artefact... What time period was it from?" asked Voltage.

"I was told that the surrounding rock covering it was millions of years old. Around the time of the dinosaurs." Replied Ronan.

"Wait... That means that it can't have been human made..." began James.

"I knew it was odd straight away. It was too perfectly shaped to be a random rock with strange effects. It had various markings covering it, matching no known language in the history if mankind."

"So it must have been... Alien... Yes?" asked Smack-Down.

"That was my conclusion, yes." Replied Ronan. Ambush smirked.

"Ok wait... If the artefact really is alien, why would these aliens leave their superpower-giving artefact on Earth?" asked Ambush.

"That's it!" shouted out the Captain, before Ronan could respond. He had figured it out. "Ronan, you said they transported the artefact by train right?" he asked.

"Yes, but-" he began.

"The forest where James got his powers has a huge train track right through the middle of it!" he shouted. "James, you said you saw a blinding white light headed towards you right?" he asked.

"Yes..." then James realized. "Yes! I must have been hit by the train!" he said.

"Wait! Just slow down. If you were hit by the train, then how did you survive?" asked Smack-Down.

"My powers protect me from harm. If something is going to fall on my head, it will stop and hover above me. When I was escaping Area 51, the soldiers shot at me. Their bullets stopped in front of me. The artefact must have chosen me, and then immediately protected me from the impact!" he finished, finally satisfied that he had cracked the mystery about his powers. The room was in silence.

"But... Aliens? All this sounds like it has come straight out of a comic-book." Said Smack-Down.

"Look around you dummy! We're superheroes wearing ridiculous costumes fighting ridiculous villains! We are straight out of a comic-book! The rules have changed my friend." Said Ambush. Despite the theory of aliens sounded ridiculous, Ambush had a point. Just a few years ago, the world would have laughed at the idea of a superhero. What was he saying? The world did. Captain Justice received plenty of criticism. All of the team did. Even recently, he had flour thrown at him. The man was immediately arrested and was actually one of the prisoners who escaped with Dr Inferno. He noticed that the public had been rather cold towards the team. Out in public, he would always get looks from people. Not positive looks. He wondered why people didn't like a hero. The Captain's eyes started to droop. The room was warm and comfy, and he was very tired. He shook himself awake, and told everyone that he was going to bed. He took off his armour and got into bed in just his boxers. He prepared himself for another night of night-mares. Within seconds he was asleep, and the terror began.

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