Chapter 30

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Will thought about everything during the last stretch of the journey. About Ryan, about the city itself, and about the outside world. What were they doing? Sitting watching TV while everyone in London would be slaughtered if they stepped outside? Why weren't the military doing anything? Will still hadn't finished with his thoughts and questions when they arrived. A group of men and women carrying guns stood at the entrance of Penningworth Station. They saw Will's group approaching, and stepped aside to let them in. The group stepped down the stairs into the London Underground, the perfect hideout, even used by people in WW2 when London was being bombed. But it had been transformed. There were people everywhere. Sitting on the seats on the platform, lying in sleeping bags on the floor, and some people were even sleeping on the tracks. Many of the lights were flickering, and several of them would turn off for several seconds before turning back on. Will was generally surprised at the amount of soldiers there were. Almost everywhere he looked he would see a man or a woman standing there in an army uniform carrying a rifle. The refugees looked pretty dirty, wearing old and mostly torn clothes. From the second the group walked inside, the people began to get excited. Will heard the words 'Captain Justice is here for us' muttered several times. He just tried to not pay attention to them. Advertisements for new theatre shows and movies were printed on large billboards along the curved station wall.

 Advertisements for new theatre shows and movies were printed on large billboards along the curved station wall

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Then Will saw him... James, the boy with real superpowers, sat on a wooden box holding a knife and a filthy apple in his hands. He then shut his eyes, and levitated the two in front of him. The knife began to cut the apple into slices and when the apple was finished, one slice hovered down towards James's mouth. He opened his mouth, and the apple slice hovered inside, before James ate it. He opened his eyes, and stopped levitating the knife and apple slices. He got up, and gave the slices to a little girl who was watching him. He smiled, and placed the knife into a holster on his thigh. He then looked up, and saw Will. Will couldn't stop the corners of his mouth from raising. He grabbed James and hugged him for several seconds. Man, he looked different. Older. He even had a little bit of facial hair sprouting. Then, for the first time since the drone attack begun, Will thought about his own appearance.

"Damn, you stink man! When did you last shower?" Will thought about that question, and figured that it would be less disgusting not to answer.

"So how've you been?" Will asked.

"Pretty good. The drones haven't given me much hassle. I can rip them apart just by thinking about it, so I wouldn't consider myself in danger." Will heard someone walk up behind him, and then a huge hand grasped his shoulder. Will turned, and saw Smack-Down smiling back at him. Jesus... He looked different. A massive amount of his face was red and bloody. The skin was cracked and peeling, and Will could have sworn he saw a little piece of glass inside one of the cuts. Will tried to hug him, but Smack-Down pushed him away.

"Shrapnel..." He said, gesturing to his chest. Will looked down, and saw his regular superhero costume was peppered with holes ripped into it. Blood trickled out of a few of them.

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