Chapter 8

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"Captain... Wake up..." said a voice. A cold voice. His eyes opened. Standing at the foot of the bed was the face of his night-mares. Dr Inferno stood there, smiling. Will immediately jolted out of bed, and launched himself at Dr Inferno. Inferno stepped to the side, and Will fell to the ground.

"You can't hurt me anymore Captain. But I can certainly hurt you." Inferno aimed his flamethrower at Will, and pulled the trigger. Flame engulfed him, and he began to scream at the pain of his very flesh burning away. Suddenly, his eyes opened. He was no longer on fire, but the screaming continued. He certainly felt like he was on fire. His skin was burning hot. It was just a dream. Inferno was never in the room... Will stopped screaming, and got out of bed. He was soaked with sweat. His bed was damp with it. Will walked into his en-suite bathroom, and took a cold shower, washing away the terrors of the night. When he was finished, he got dressed and walked into the penthouse. Midnight sat on the sofa watching TV. He sat on the sofa with her.

"I heard you screaming last night." She said.

"Just more bad dreams. Dr Inferno appeared at the foot of my bed and killed me." He smiled. "What do you dream about?" he asked her.

"I..." she hesitated, "I don't dream. Or at least, I don't remember them..." she muttered.

"I think I know what Ambush dreams about" he smiled. "You"

"I have no idea what you're talking about" she said quickly.

"There's something between you, definitely. You'd have to be blind to not notice it" he laughed.

"I could never view him in that way." She said, and quickly looked away. Will saw the corners of her mouth raise into a small smile. They sat in silence for a little while, then Will turned on the news.

"-the source of the footage came from a CCTV camera inside Justice Tower on the night of terrorist Dr Inferno's arrest." Will suddenly payed attention, and watched the grainy video footage. It showed the moment that Will thought about everyday. When he beat the hell out of the man that killed his mother and brother. Will's blood turned to ice, and Midnight looked at him in shock. The public knew about it now... The news reader continued.

"The man was Lance Smith, who was previously in prison for murder. He died when the scaffolding of the building collapsed, but it's been confirmed that his body went through massive damage caused by Captain Justice himself." Midnight opened her mouth a fraction, but no sound came out. Ambush stormed in.

"I just saw the news..." he began. Will saw Midnight move away from him a few inches.

"I will explain. I need everyone here though." He said. Half an hour later, the whole team including James and Ronan were in the pent-house.

"My name, is Will Lambert. That man killed my mother and brother when I was 8 years old. I was angry. I wasn't thinking. I didn't want to kill him... Why should I be judged on something did when I was angry?" The group sat in silence.

"He sort of has a point guys..." said Ambush.

"Well get ready to explain that again Will. Look outside..." said James. Will got up and looked out the window. He saw a large group of people standing at the bottom of the building.

"I have to go down there and explain." And so Will pulled on his armour and mask and took the elevator down to the ground floor. Police escorted him to a small podium covered with microphones. Cameras flashed in his face, questions were thrown at him. He stood at the podium, and raised a hand for silence.

"What happened on that night is something I deeply regret. I have night-mares about it every night. That man's mangled body appears in my thoughts everyday. I can't say why I did what I did. I won't. But I don't think I should be judged for something I did when I was angry. Thank you" As he began to walk away, something extremely hard hit his head. He fell to the ground, his helmet failing to protect him. A brick fell next to him. Someone threw a brick at him. He pulled off his helmet, something he had never done in front of the public. Then, another brick hit his head. This one hurt much more. His body slumped and he was immediately knocked unconscious.

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