Miss June

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If you ever see a bold text that is me, author's notes... actually just call me Affendad~Kun. Also please know that I am a girl who is writing this. Please enjoy the following story and please don't mind the bad grammar and punctuations that I might miss. (For further notice the title shows whose point of view it is from

Hello, my name is June. I am a single woman who is at the age of 40 and a lady who has also gone through bad things in life. My name was chosen by my mother, April. If you ever see italics like this, this is when I wrote this once Miss Boseki got ----.

Last night I heard Kura mumbling, "Die. Die. Die!" She enchanted. I went to check her out and see if she is okay but it turns out that she was sleeping, I went over to her out and take a closer look. She was holding my favorite knife. She threw the knife exactly onto her wooden desk.

Oof, she got skills baby.

My heart started to pound, my eyes widened and my mouth dropped completely so I darted towards my room and called the police. 

I grabbed my notebook and started to write our conversation down.

"Hello. This is 911, what's your emergency?"

"My.. m-my kid is.. being creepy."

"Where is she and how is she, mam?"

"She's in her room sleeping, and she grabbed a knife and threw it at her desk."

"We're on our way."

I hung up and glanced back at her, she wasn't there. I started to look around her room, no sign. By the time I looked around the whole house she was gone. 

That day was very scary for me, once the police came they asked me which room she's in. I told them, "She left, probably overheard our conversation. Please find her and bring her to me." When I said something like that I think I stuttered something.. It was like, "But if you can take her to an orphanage."

That was the very last day of my life to see my dearly loved, Kura Boseki. She was the only one I got in life. 

Tears. No, no tears... Sweaty eyeballs!

After that everything stops and turned to black, The last blood cell goes through the whole body and me faintest at that time.

 I don't know what happened but it happened. I think I fainted and then someone found me lying on the floor and took me to the Hospital. It turned out that my Ex brought me here, I wonder how he got in the house. Did Kura leave the door open? 


AUTHOR'S NOTE: Hi, it's me Affendad. This chapter came out as soon as the other one did, I just really like to write but I have really bad grammar. For the next chapters, they might come out early or late. But promise me one chapter will be released each week. 

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