On My Way

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If you ever see a bold text that is me, author's notes... actually just call me Affendad~Kun. Also please know that I am a girl who is writing this. Please enjoy the following story and please don't mind the bad grammar and punctuations that I might miss. 

Hello, it's me Kura again. This is present by the way, I started writing these Italics when I was a year older though. This was the part when I found this orphanage, I literally just asked them if I could stay there or not. They said yes. 

I was running off before Miss June catches me or the police. I heard the police alarms, so I ran towards the closest alleyway. The alleyway that I  ran to was in trouble too, someone had a gun. He looks sort of shady so I had to run towards a dumpster before I might receive my death as well. 

I heard a raindrop falling down, "It's raining.." I mumbled.

A lady screamed and a storm went by.


That was when I started to think about orphans. The reason why is because of

horror movies, in horror movies murderers, serial killer or etc. had their whole life there.

Once I heard that gunshot I started racing to the closest orphanage. 


The tree near me fell down, I just ignored it and kept on running. People around me with umbrellas or raincoats who were looking at me probably thought, "What is that little girl doing out this late?" or "Oh no, what happened?" I was pretty annoyed. I was thinking about when Miss June was talking about how I was creepy to the policemen. How does she think I am creepy because I  am not. 

I took Miss June's second phone because I knew her password and for emergencies.

Hold up, like what emergencies? ( ・ัω・ั)?

I took a little break by walking and there it was the orphanage.  Walking up to the tallest black gates ever. 

"WHO GOES THERE?" A voice came somewhere around the gate, it was really loud too. "Kura Biseki. I am a child who escaped from her mother and came to live as an orphan." My voice.. it sounded really quiet and.. cute. Cute is the word because people said that my voice is beautiful.

"Okay, good to know. Ya got money kid?" The voice has lowered down a tad bit, "No, if I am allowed to can I live here for free? I promise I will clean anything that I can do." 

The gate opened. I walked inside with crows flying away, I gently touched my Adams Apple. As I walked inside, lights were off and all I heard was the clock ticking. I walked slowly up to this chest following the blood red carpets, it felt so like I was a ballerina. Tip-toeing down the hallway full of different rooms, it looks like in this orphanage people have different single rooms. This chest, it reminds me of my mother's suitcase. Once I opened this chest I looked inside which is half full of weapons and half full of pencils and notebooks. 

So.. this is when it all begins huh?

I grabbed the mini chest and took it to an empty room. As I twisted this doorknob a girl screams, does this doorknob triggers something?  

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