Chapter 1

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Jace's PoV

I'm laying across a chair in Glynda's room playing with some smoke when she comes into the room looking serious.

"Jace come on we got work to do. Robbery at a dust store in town, Ozpin wants us to go and investigate" Glynda walks in and tells me, going to the window to open it.

"What's the shop called sis I'll meet you there" I ask her as I stand up and go to the window, my legs turning Into a swirling tornado or shadows and smoke as I use some of my semblance.

"The shops called "From Dust Till Dawn" go on ahead of me I'll get there as soon as I can, apparently a young girl is fighting off the goons but the leaders Torchwick so I don't know what to expect from him" she gives my a quick pat on the shoulder and hands me my box of cigarettes as I fly out of the window and towards the shopping district where I can already hear gunfire.

Mini Flying Time Skip ^=^

As I get to the shop I see the owner out the front looking stunned with the goons all on the ground moaning and groaning in pain.

"Hey mate where'd the girl and the ginger guy go?" I quickly land and ask him as he points up to the building across the street, still stunned.

As I use some shadows to get up there I see Roman throwing a fire dust crystal at the girl in the hood. So I quickly use some shadows to solidify around the crystal and bring it to me, pulling out a cigarette while I'm doing it. "Roman Torchwick stop right there, your under arrest, yadda yadda yadda"

"Shit we've got the shadow demon here hurry up and get us out of here" we hear Roman yell to whoever is flying the bulkhead as he goes into the cockpit and a woman walks to the ole hatch and starts to shoot fireballs At is.

I crush the dust crystal in my hand, using some shadows and the smoke coming from the fire to keep it floating just above my hand as I use the flame to light my cigarette. As I make smoke walls to stop the fireballs from hitting anyone.

As I'm putting on this bad-ass display of bad-assitude, Glynda comes in and starts to attack the bull head, so I take a quick puff and pull out Witcher Traum and take a few pot shots at the rotor as I walk over to little red.

"Hey red you recon you can help or are you too star struck" I ask her with a short laugh as she shakes her head quickly, spinning her scythe around and uses the sniper to shoot with me as they fly away.

"OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD!!!! YOURTHESHADOWHUNTERCANIGETYOURAUTOGRAPTH?!?" Little red bounces up and down in front of me giving me innocent puppy god eyes.

"Ugh maybe later little red there's someone that wants to talk to you come on" I start to walk off the the police station as she follows while Glynda takes the goons that are on the street with us.

Tiny Time Skipuu Name Henry ^=^

I watch Glynda as she berates Ruby Rose as I find out her name is while I'm using some shadows to make a pole in the corner of the room that I'm hanging upside down from pulling weird faces.

"If it was up to me you'd go home with a pat on the back" Ruby starts to smile when she hears this but I know better and start to smirk. "And a slap on the wrist!" Glynda slams her riding crop down next to Ruby's hands to emphasis her point, chipping the table in the process.

"Aww boo sis don't be such a buzz kill the kid did good work and you know it" I throw the empty cigarette packet I had as I put the last one in my mouth while I search for my lighter. "But lucky for you little red someone wants to talk to you" I laugh as Ozpin comes in with his usual cup of coffee, but he also has a plate of cookies with him as well, as he sets them down in front of Ruby he turns to me, pulling a lighter out of his pocket and lighting my cig for me. (A/N sorry bout inter story ans just gonna day imma use cigs now instead of cigarettes)

"Thanks old man" I laugh a bit as I roll of the poll landing on my feet and stands behind him, using the smoke from my cig to make intricate designs and animals.

"Ruby Rose... You have silver eyes" the man with white hair and a green suite says as he leans into stare into her eyes.

"Ozzy. Dude. No need to sound so creepy what's next you gonna ask her if she wants to play a game?" I send a smoke dragon to fly around him as I lay on the table that's in the middle of the room.

"Little red got a question for ya, where did you learn to use one of the most dangerous weapons out there" I tilt my head to look at her my cig hanging out of my mouth as I'm playing with my ring.

"I learnt everything I know at Signal academy, when I started there I didn't know what to use but then my uncle Qrow took me under his wing (bird pun) and now I'm all like hiyaaah, hwoochaaa" she beams at us while doing some very over exaggerated karate moves.

I watch her laughing softly to myself before turning to look at Ozzy to see he's finding her amusing as well.

"Hmm interesting. You know miss Rose I was going to actually ask you this but by the look on  Jace's face he wants to ask it don't you think" Ozzy asks Ruby who nods quickly letting out a soft giggle as she looks at me and see's how excited I am.

I quickly stand up and finish off my cig before putting it out and standing straight with my hands behind my back, trying to look as official as possible "Miss Rose, it is my great honour to humbly request you continue your tutorage at Beacon academy"

Ruby looks at me confused trying to process what what I said "tutorage? What do you mean"

Glynda sighs while face palming "this idiot in front of you is asking if you would like to come to Beacon miss Rose"

Ruby stares at Glynda for a solid couple of minutes before quickly nodding her head "yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes!"

Ozzy gives a small smile while I'm biting my hand to stop myself from laughing as I turn to Glynda "well Glyn looks like we got another student this year"

"That will be all miss Rose I suggest you go home now and speak to your father and sister about this" Ozzy speaks to Ruby calmly as she gets up and practically sprints out of the police station to get home.

"Well Ozzy, Glyn I'm gonna be going back home need to get my beauty sleep to get this good looking and I think I'm gonna go get some ice cream tomorrow before the students start coming in" I get up and start to turn my legs to smoke before flying back to Beacon and going to bed.

Smoke And Shadow (A RWBY Oc fanfic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora