Chapter Two - A New Addition to the Family

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The wind swirled outside as Princess Alice rushed through the halls, carrying the small baby. Guards surrounded her as they escorted her through the night.As they burst through the doors of the infirmary, the nurse looked up from what she was doing.

"What is going on? The princess shouldn't be up," asked the old nurse with a frown at the guards.

"I found a baby," Alice replied instantly. The nurse looked confused.

"Where did you find a baby in the castle?" Well, of course she would ask that. Most princesses weren't running around the castle with a random baby.

"On the steps of our castle. Now can you please help?" Alice wasn't very good at waiting, and the nurse didn't seem to do things quickly enough for her taste. Alice guessed that she wasn't expecting that. She gave a quick nod and took the baby from Alice's arms.

"You should get going back to your room Princess." said the nurse with a scowl.

Alice sighed. "I don't want to."

The nurse smiled. "I insist." Alice nodded and started to head back to her room. The guards quickly followed her in silence.

Alice was soon alone in her room, wondering like normal. She wished that she could have stayed to see them care for the baby. Since she was a princess, she had to do what was right even though she didn't want to. She actually wasn't really looking forward to marrying although she was to do so within the next week. She looked out the window, staring at the stars that shined in the dark skies.


Wind blew the curtains away from the window, letting in a gentle breeze. I sat all alone in my room. Ella knocked softly on the door before entering. She carried a couple of things. She had a couple things that were wrapped up that I guessed were food in case I got hungry. I could see some first aid stuff in case I got hurt. She always thought of the things I needed before I did myself. I smiled. She was the best.

"Thanks for bringing it." She nodded as she set down all the stuff on my  bed. I could hear the loud music from the ballroom as the ball continued on. It wouldn't be ending for a while so I had time to do what I wanted. I looked out the window across the forest. I was already in the clothes I wanted to wear. I looked back at Ella. "Are you not coming with me?" I asked. I really wanted her to come, but I wouldn't make her if she didn't want to. She looked at me sadly. Of course she didn't want to go. I quickly changed into a pair of black pants and a brown top.

"I'm sorry.  But I'm not going to go with you," Ella said. I sighed. It wasn't going to be as fun now.

"No. You don't have to be sorry." I smiled. I would always give her a choice. Well, unless of course it was something fun and that she needed.

"I'm glad that you understand," she said. I hugged her, taking in the smell of my best friend. You could say that it was weird to smell your friends, but it was comforting. Rosey smelled of roses and baked goods. She had recently been in the kitchen gathering things for me. Whenever I smelled roses I always thought of her.

"I'd best be on my way." I gave a last smile before heading to a secret entrance that Ella had discovered leading to the kitchen. The passageway was in the pantry. Luckily, there was no one there.

The icy air hit my face as I walked out of the hidden exit. I wore a long, black hooded cloak. The tall trees towered over me as I walked all alone. The only light was the dim, white, moonlight. I could hear the soft rustles of the wild creatures that stalked through the forest. I didn't notice the gentle, silent footsteps of the man as he came up behind me.

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