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Killian's POV

At first, I didn't believe it. My daughter, my little girl, well not so little now, was here. I pushed the thought of her never forgiving us out of my mind and tried to focus on the fact that we could be a family.

Regina and I were walking past Granny's. I was constantly looking at her. Just watching her expressions crossing her beautiful face, trying to read her thoughts. Every so often she'd look back at me and I couldn't help but smile.

It was dark, very, but we'd be able to see her... and Regina said she could probably sense her magic, a bit. Which both impressed me and turned me on. No, Killian, this is not the time. You're finding your daughter.

After a few minutes of walking through the town's streets, after not seeing Branna, we reached the docks. I saw two dark figures sitting on a bench. Regina glanced at me, a half smile on her lips, and nodded, silently affirming my unspoken thought; this is her.

As we got closer, I recognized one of the figures as Emma. I knew that her and Regina were not on good terms, concerning Henry, and therefore I was a bit reluctant to her talking to my daughter.

My daughter. My daughter. There she was. Beautiful, just like her mum. With hair as dark, though we already knew that would be the case, and eyes, just like mine.

"Branna." I called. She looked up from Emma, who she was in deep conversation with and looked curiously up at me. Emma leaned forward and whispered something to her that I couldn't hear, and pat Branna's shoulder, before standing up and walking down the docks, leaving us to talk.

She stood up and crossed her arms defensively.  Regina stepped forward so she was closer to our daughter. She was about to speak, but Branna did.

"So, you guys are my parents?"

The question was simple, but it asked for much more then a 'yes'. She wanted to know who we were. She wanted to know about us, not just her mum and dad, but who we were as people. Honestly, I wasn't sure I wanted her to know. But I think we all had our fair share of darkness, and it was time to admit to our sins and move on. In that moment, I finally understood Regina's idea of redemption, and I loved it.

"Yes," I replied, waiting until she asked questions to answer them.

She nodded. "I guess we should talk. I'm ready to, now."

I felt Regina let out a breath beside me before speaking. "Why don't we go to my house?"

Branna nodded again and Regina poofed us there.

Branna's POV

We appeared inside my mum's house. It was big and nice, two things I wasn't used to. I followed her to a room with some chairs and a couch and sat down in a chair as my mum and dad sat on the couch together.

I didn't know much about love, but from the way my dad was looking at my mum, I could tell he really did love her.  Suddenly I felt sad, as the memory of Jasper filled my mind. I quickly thought of something to ask my parents instead.

"I was talking to Emma at the docks. She told me about the curse and everything. Was I born in the Enchanted Forest?"

My mum answered. "Yes, you were. We sent you through a portal right after you were born."

My dad continued from where she left off. "Branna, we only did that so you wouldn't have to grow up with villians as parents. We weren't fit to be parents, to love you like we should. I'm sorry. We didn't know where it would send you, so I'm glad you grew up somewhere nice like Wonderland."

I felt a little bit irritated at his assumption that Wonderland was a nice place but remembered Emma's words that she whispered in my ear. People screw up. They do things they think are for the best when really everyone ends up getting hurt. But you have to ask yourself; is anything going to get better if  you don't try to forgive, or at least understand?

"Dad, Mum," I began. "I know that you sent me away to give me a fair chance at a happy life... and I get it. I don't agree with it, no, but I get it and I'm willing to put that behind us. The thing is... where I grew up, Wonderland. It wasn't.... what I'm trying to say is that I'm not sure growing up in Wonderland, the way I did, is better than how it would've been with you guys."

My mum and dad stared at me, confused so I decided just to tell them. "When I arrived in Wonderland, a woman found me and brought me back to her home. She had a son a few weeks later and we became really good friends. When we were 9 she died, and it was just me and him. I loved him and he loved me, and I could've lived the rest of my life happily with him. When we were 18 he got me a magic bean for my birthday and said that we could go somewhere else... but that same day we both found out about my magic and he told me to leave. I took the bean to New York City and lived alone ever since."

My parents shot forward and hugged my tightly. "I'm so sorry." My mum whispered.

What I said next, I thought I wouldn't believe, that it would be a lie, but I found myself believing every word. "It's okay. It's all in the past."

Hoped you liked this chapter!! I might only write one or two more chapters after this one and then our story will come to an end. :)

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