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Quick side note before we begin in this story Simon is 14 Yoko is 16 and Kamina 18.

"You guys take care of the gunman I'll go see what up with Simon!" Kamina shouted to his teammates as he jumped down onto Dai Gunzan. Kamina piloted his mighty Gurren up to the top of the mobile fortress only to be hit by something, causing him to be ejected out of his gunman and roll right on top of Simon's Lagann. "Simon open the hatch!" Kamina shouted as he pulled his fist back. Simon opened the hatch "Let see you grit those teeth!" Kamina punched Simon as with such force that it flung Simon around in the cockpit. He stopped with a thud upside down in the cockpit sit. "Why bro?" Although Simon was upside down, you couldn't miss the look of pure confusion. "Have you snapped out of it yet? I give you my word that if you ever start to doubt yourself I'll come and belt you one. So, don't worry, I'm right by your side. Believe in the Simon that I have faith in." Kamina said with his signature smile. Simon reflected on what he heard and he smiled back. "Right, you got it!" With a new found focus he corrected his seating position as the spiral gage in Lagann climbed. "That's it Simon your synchronizing rapidly, just a few more seconds." Leeron said over the commlink.

With his task complete Kamina got back in Gurren "There you see you can do it if you just..." Kamina words were cut short by a blue laser blast that erupted from under his gunman's feet, and traveled with such velocity that it pierced his cockpit and sliced his open his chest, and caused Gurren to be thrown upward.

Just then Thymilph appeared in his personal gunman. Byakou. Thymilph laughed wickedly as he said, "You'll soon find I won't hand over my Dai Gunzan so easily!" "Thymilp?! Damn I didn't ..." Kamina was once again cut off, but this time by Viral as he threw Gurren's own glasses at his back. "You forgot this, here have it back." Viral said evilly "Alkaid Glaive!" Thymilp shouted as he thrust his spear forward and a laser blast shout out of it piercing Gurren's right knee cap. "You're a very tenacious man I'll give you that, but this is the end of the line for you!" Thymilp shouted as Viral's Enkidu held Gurren by the arm as Thymilp leaped up and aimed his spear downward towards Kamina's cockpit ready to impale him.

"You stay away from him!" Simon shouted as he aimed Dai Gunzan canons. Thymilp turned to look in the direction of where the voice had come, only to be greeted with an artillery shell to its face. "General Thymilp!" Viral shouted but as soon as the sentence left his mouth a sniper bullet took out Enkidu's left eye. Not missing a beat, Yoko aimed her scope, exhaled and fired; this time, taking took out Enkidu's right eye. "I can't see!" Viral shouted as the monitors in the cockpit went static. Simon took control of Dai Gunzan massive right arm and swatted Enkidu off into the horizon.

"Bro you ok?!" Simon asked franticly as he looked in horror at Gurren laying on its side. "I'll live." Kamina grunted as he clutched his chest which had been ominously sliced. Blood was starting to drip onto the cockpits floor. "More importantly you did it little brother that behemoth belongs to you now. We don't have to worry about a thing now. "Right bro." Simon replied with relief. Simon turned Dai Gunzan to face the rest of Team Dai Gurren and had the upper half strike a pose. "Everything's ok now you guys Dai Gunzan is ours come on aboard!" Team Gurren shouted in victory but were swiftly interrupted by another laser blast from .

"You damn dirty humans I received Dai Gunzan as a gift from the spiral king himself. I'd rather completely destroy it than to see it fall into your filthy hands!" Gurren got to its feet struggling to stand on its broken knee. "That old fur ball doesn't know when to give up. Come on Simon lets send these clowns packing. Let's combined, and use Gurren Lagann to finish up this mission." Kamina said as his smile crept onto his face once more. "You got it bro I'm with you!" Simon said as he ejected Lagann from Dai Gunzan's head. Lagann landed on the deck and picked up Gurren's glasses and flung them at two enemy gunman that were a about to attack Gurren from behind. "Now, let's do!" Kamina shouted his bravado back in full force. Lagann combined with Gurren's head and all Gurren's injuries were repaired as its arms and legs extended and finally the helmet appeared, attaching itself on top of Lagann.

"We brawlers are sustained by willpower even when mocked as reckless and crazy!" Kamina started "If there's a wall in our way we smash it down!" "If there isn't a path then we carve one ourselves!" Simon followed up. Gurren Lagann grabbed it glasses that had boomeranged back and placed it on its chest. "The magma of our souls burns with a mighty flame! Super ultra-combining Gurren Lagann!" The blood brothers shouted together. "JUST WHO!" "THE HELL!" "DO YOU THINK WE ARE?!

The volcano in the background erupted as the rest of Team Dai Gurren cheered on the brothers. Yoko smiled from atop Iraak's Einzer "There's nobody else like them." Byakou pointed its spear at Gurren Lagann as his underlings charged. "Stand your ground kill them now!" Thymilp yelled. "Eat this cannon fodder!" the 33 drill holes on Gurren Lagann glowed and its drills extended out, impaling all of the cannon fodder causing them to explode. "Damn you Condemn Blaze!" Thymip yelled as he fired another laser blast from Byakou's spear. "You'll have to do better than that!" Gurren Lagann threw up its right hand, blocking the blast with its palm.

"All right little brother lets finish this!" Simon grunted in approval. Gurren Lagann's glasses shot off it chest. Gurren then grabbed them and wound it arm back. "FINISHING MOVE!" Gurren threw its glasses; they zoomed forward and became two glasses. The glasses smacked Byakou around a bit, then ended with the gunman being pined in the sky in front of a galaxy. "GIGA DRILL BREAK!" Kamina screamed with everything he had as Gurren Lagann rocketed forward wilding a giant spinning drill as big as itself. Gurren drilled a giant hole in Byakou coming out the other side. Byakou exploded in a massive explosion. Gurren's glasses boomeranged back and merged into a single pair and then reattached onto Gurren chest.

"Bro we did it!" Simon shouted jubilantly. "No, you did it Simon, I just cleaned up the stragglers." Kamina said while trying not to collapse in pain. "Hey Simon I think I should get this wound takin care of." Simon mood shifted he had completely forgotten his bro had nearly gotten killed. "How bad is it?" he asked as Lagann detached and then jumped off Gurren's head. Activating its thrusters, it then hovered in front of Gurren's cockpit entrance. Simon opened Lagann's hatch just as Gurren's mouth opened. The little digger looked in horror as his bro stepped out of the cockpit's shadow. Kamina was clutching his wound, and his chest was covered in blood. Kamina took his cape and covered up the wound and smiled weakly at his little brother "Don't worry Simon this is just a scratch I be fine." That's all he could say before all strength left his legs causing him to fall out of the cockpit. Thankfully Lagann's arms were there to catch him. "Help, HELP!" Simon screamed as he slowly landed Lagann on Dai Gunzan's deck as he slowly started to revert back to the scared little boy from Jeeha village.

Moments later the rest of Team Dai Gurren were on the deck surrounding Lagann still holding Kamina. "Shit this is bad!" Kittan said as he slammed his fist into his hand. "We goanna need proper medical equipment for this. Where are we goanna get that?" Leeron asked as panic set into his voice "Wait Leeron didn't you say that Dai Gunzan was a mobile recall point for the beastmen? They must have some sort of medical wing just in case someon got hurt." Rossiu said. "Then what are we waiting for let's move!" Yoko shouted as she rushed towards the hanger. A bestman came out of the shadows and charged Yoko with a knife only to be sniped in the head. "There must still be stragglers left inside flush them out and find that medical wing!" Yoko screamed as she charged inside. The rest of Team Dai Gurren followed after her, except for Kittan sister's Rossiu, Gimmy, Darry, Leeron and of course Simon. They stayed and watching over Kamina. Over the next few minutes gunfire could be herd from inside Dai Gunzan as Team Dai Gurren took care of the remaining beastmen, while franticly searching for the medical wing.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity to Simon, Old Coco found the medical wing then disappeared once again. Kamina was rushed in and a few minutes later he began to stabilize. He would live to see tomorrow but he would not be piloting Gurren for some time. Team Dai Gurren, went off to get some sleep; it had been a long hard-fought battel and they were exhausted. Although Simon was just as tired, he wasn't about to leave.

When all had gone, Kamina took Simon hand, "Listen Simon, never forget just believe in yourself. Not in the Kamina you believe in. Not in the Simon I believe in ether. Have faith in the Simon who believes in you." "Bro what are you?" Simon asked but Kamina had already fallen asleep.

I hope you guys enjoy reading this just as much as I loved writing it this is just the beginning. I'm poring my hart and soul into this.

And as always I hope you all have a kick ass day! Row row fight the power!

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