Brothers Reborn!

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A week has passed since Adina's failed Attack on Dai Gurren. Lagann was still laying in the trash heap, leaving Simon unable to pilot it. As for Simon himself, he just lay on his bed, brooding. All the while lamenting on how he would never be as good as Kamina.

Just as Simon closed his eyes, his thoughts were interrupted by Nia's voice. He adjusted his position from laying on his side, to the direction of Nia's voice. There she stood with her head peeking in through the open doorway. With concern in her voice, she asked "Simon are you alright?" "No Nia I'm not. First, I nearly get my bro killed and now while he's recovering I haven't been pulling my weight. I can't do anything unless my bro is by my side." Simon let out a large sigh and continued. "All I'm really good for is digging tunnels. In my village some people would say that I was creepy or that I smelled funny. But Bro, well he always had my back. He would always hang with me; he was the only one that didn't make fun of me or make me feel bad. He was tough, kind and big in stature. I wanted to be a man just like him. I tried, I tried so hard I guess it was no use. The truth is I'll never be like bro." A moment of silence past. "Simon due you mind if I stay with you for a while?" Nia asked Simon to which he simply nodded.

Meanwhile up at the bridge a distress call came from a village that was home to only women. Their village was being attacked by Beastmen. Everyone believed it was a trap, except for Kittan. He reminded everyone that he was in charge until Kamina recovered, and speaking of Kamina if he were here, he would set out to save that village without a second thought - trap be dammed! Everyone realized Kittan was right so they set the coordinates and Dai Gurren set off. once they arrived at the village, it didn't take much to scare off the surprisingly small number of Beastmen. Some of the young women came on board to thank Team Dai Gurren, only to reveal that this was indeed a trap. Beastmen swept through Dai Gurren taking everyone hostage. When they got to the kitchen they snagged Yoko, Gimmy and Darry and the three were escorted away. Yoko inconspicuously reached into the pouch she was carrying and pressed the button on the remote inside.

Immediately, over in the medical wing the door to Kamina's room slammed shut and bolted into place. After the event with Jorgun and Balinbow Yoko knew that the only way to keep Kamina in his room to do it by force. Should the need arise, Leeron made up a remote that would lock Kamina in his room for his own safety. The slamming of the door snapped Kamina out of his daily daydreaming of finally piloting Gurren again. "What the hell?" he said, as he quickly jumped out of bed and tried opening the door, but the button to open the door did nothing. With brute force, he tried opening it manually but to no avail. Then he heard something, he placed his ear against the door and listened. On the other side two Beastmen complained about being unable to open the door, so they gave up. Outside of Kamina's door, the two Beastmen conveniently discussed the current situation and then stepped away. Kamina began to worry. He glanced at the window, too small to climb out he thought, his eyes then moved to the mirror in his room and there for the first time he saw his reflection. There running vertically on the left side of his chest was un ugly scar. As he ran his hand over his scar, he said to himself, "The remains of my wound forever engraved in my skin, courtesy of Thyimlp. A forever reminder of my brush with death."

By this point, he was completely recovered but Leeron insisted he wait until tomorrow before he could fight again, as for Kamina . . . he wasn't having it. He snapped back to reality and grabbed the door panel and began to pulling it off. "What are you doing?!" a voice inside his head asked, "Hotwiring the door. Leeron taught me the basics awhile back, how hard could it be?" he replied mentally. His question was answered as he ripped the panel off to be greeted by a sea of wires. Kamina grunted "I got to do something." with that he reached his hand in and went to work.

Over in Simon's room two Beastmen with guns arrived and told Nia that their Boss Guame demanded to see her. As one of the Beastmen took Nia away she turned back to Simon and said "You know you'll never be your bro, I think you should always be yourself." She said with a smile on her face as she walked off. Without wasting a minute, the other Beastmen took Simon to join the others who were being held in a cell to await their public execution.

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