End Of The Four Generals

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One month had pasted since Cytomander attacked Dai Gurren and finally at long last Team Dai Gurren had arrived at Teppilen which towered over everything like a massive montanite. For 5 long days Team Dai Gurren did battel against the capital forces. Things were coming down to the where Team Dai Gurren only had enough supplies to operate at max capability of one more day if they did not end the war on the six day they would die on the seventh.

The sun began to rise on the six day as Kamina addressed all of Team Dai Gurren "Gentlemen Ladies this it our last chance to grab hold of the dream we shed blood and sweat to achieve. If we don't win today we die tomorrow and humanity will forever be doomed to live like insects under a rock." He said a slight hint of somber in his voice. But then the grin he was known for spread over his face. "But we aren't going to lose." He said with a rising voice. "We have come to far to fail now!" Kamina pointed at Teppilen "Today Teppilen and its king falls and we reclaim the surface for humanity. We will be the last generation to born undergrown!" He shouted rallying his team who shout but in agreement.

Everyone got to there posts the gunman pilots were getting in there gunman. Kamina was about to get in Gurren Lagann when he heard Yoko call his name from behind. Kamina barely turned around when Yoko wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him hard. Kamina was stunned at first but so returned the kiss as he wrapped his arms around her waist. Ever since Kamina recovered Yoko and him barely had time alone together since all there energy was going towards ending the war so they savored moments like these. Their lips parted "Don't you dare die Kamina you still have to pay me back ten times over for our first kiss." Yoko whispered a hint of passion in her voice. Kamina smiled at the woman he loved "I will after this it will just be you and me plus believe it or not I'm actually getting tired of fighting. "Yoko's eyes popped for a moment then jokingly replied "Who are you and what have you done with my Kamina." The two chuckled as Simon looked down on the two from Gurren Lagann's head. He remembered how badly he wanted Yoko all to himself when they first met. But now he couldn't see her with anyone else but his bro. "Simon" Simon turned his head to find Nia standing next him on the catwalk he used to get into Lagann. "Something wrong Nia?" He asked. Nia fiddled with her hands then asked "Should we kiss now?" Simon's jaw dropped unable to answer. "It just that Kamina and Yoko are doing it and Kamina said I'm your girlfriend." "BRO! stop leading Nia on!" Simon shouted down at his brother." When he turned back to explain everything to Nia it happened. Nia gently pecked Simon on the lips. "Good Luck Simon." Nia said with a voice and smile could melt the heart of any man. Yoko and Nia headed up to the bridge as Kamina and Simon settle into Gurren Lagann "Hey Simon" "Yeah bro?" "You and I are lucky sons of bitches to have such wonderful women in our lives." Kamina said with a sigh of satisfaction. "Yeah we sure are." Simon said with a blush.

With the lavation sphere fully instated Dai Gurren took off into the sky just as the returning Dai Gunten returned and deployed its forces. Mini lavation spheres had been added to the other gunman So air combat was now possible and shortly after Team Dai Gurren's forces were deployed they clashed with Dai Guntem's high in the sky.

The fight had barely begun when Dai Gundo appeared on the battel filed and its ground forces started firing their heavy artillery up at Dai Gurren. "Everyone go and smash the ground units Simon and I will tack care of things up here!" Kamina ordered "Are you crazy are and Simon trying to grandstand?" Kittan hollered back threw the commlink. "If we lose Dai Gurren we won't be able to take on that behemoth Teppilen and that why we came hear." Simon said trying to explain things. "All right fine everyone smash up the ground units!" Kittan shouted as he led the troops down to the surface. Gurren Lagann faced the sea of air born enemies before it. "I think it's safe to assume you got this little brother?" Kamina asked with a smile. "I would be my pleasure bro." Simon replead. Suddenly tiny drill missiles erupted out of Gurren Lagann's body going in all direction completely obliterating nearly all of Dai Guntes forces. unfortunately pulling off a feat that big left Simon drained "Hey bro a need a moment take over for a while." Simon said with a heavy voice. "My pleasure little brother!" Kamina smiled as he started to doge the incoming barge of missiles having a blast laughing the whole time. Dai Gunte launched one of the two massive missiles in kept on it under belly at Gurren, Gurren spread its hands to stop it. "Bring it on!" Kamina shouted. The missile contacted Gurren's hand as Kamina struggled to turn the massive missile around. He managed it just as the second one was launched the two missiles made contact and exploded. The light blinded Gurren long enough for four gunmen to tie up each of its limbs. Cytomander appeared in Shuzazck ready to saw Gurren in half. Dai Gurren tried to shoot him down but the remaining flying forces were creating a living shield. As the buzz saw got closer dread engulfed Kamina "Dad I'm sorry."

But at the last second a barge of artillery fire freed Gurren Lagann from the jaws of death. Coming over the eastern horizon was a small fleet of Human hijack battel ships similar in design to Dai Gurren all flying the Team Dai Gurren flag appeared and started bombarding Dai Gunte with artillery fire. The failed execution of Team Dai Gurren that was projected in the sky inspired humans all over to rise up in rebellion. Some managed to hijack battel ships and had now arrived as reinforcements. With the enemy disoriented by the brigade of artillery Dai Gurren charged and slammed into Dai Gunte with Cytomander sandwiched in the middle. The general and his battleship went up in flames as the wreckage fell right on top of Dai Gundo unleashing an atom bomb like explosion.

However, when the smoke cleared Dai Gundo appeared with not a scratch on it. The battleship retreated to Teppilan and connected with its underside and started to make the capital spin creating a massive whirlwind That got stronger by the second if it kept up everyone would be torn to shreds. Out of desperation some of the reinforcements in an act of desperation tried ramming Teppilan to no avail only getting destroyed by the energy barrier that now surrounded the capitol. Commlinks were down because of the whirlwind Luckily Team Dai Gurren had come across one of the device that was used to project there failed execution. Now Nia used it to project her self in the sky and managed to get the reinforcements to stop ramming Teppilan. Telling them not to worry that Simon and his bro would stop the stop the whirlwind.

As Nia was addressing everyone Gurren Lagann was drilling its way strait up under Dai Gundo. Gurren drill contacted Dai Gundo underbelly but its drill wasn't piercing its armor all they were doing was lifting Dai Gundo slowly in the air. "Come on Simon you got this show this battleship your fighting spirit." Kamina said as he encouraged his little brother. "Gurren Lagann If you have a mind of you own hear me responded to me!" Simon shouted. Dai Gundo fired its thrusters in reverse flattening Gurren Lagann. Well that was the plan at least in reality by thrusting downward it created the needed pressers for Gurren's drill to break threw Dai Gundo's armor. Gurren's drill brought Dai Gundo spinning to a stop the made it spin in the opposite direction causing the whirlwind and Tepplin's energy filed to disappear. With a mighty unified yell, the brothers focused there will into the drill causing it to extend threw the ship causing the whole thing to exploded.

The four generals were vanquished now all that remained was the spiral kind and Teppilen its self. Although it looked like Teppilen wouldn't be a problem because it was falling apart. But everyone soon realized that what was falling off Teppilen was just a shell hiding what was underneath. All of Team Dai Gurren looked in shock at the two giant eyes looking down at them. Well every was shocked except for Kamina who threw up his hands and shouted "Why am I not surprised." The capital Tepplien itself was a mountain sized gunman.            

Spiral BrothersOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora