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He stared at Ichiki, his face expressionless as always. She could feel his gaze, but pointedly chose to ignore the Uchiha. This said Uchiha didn't appreciate being ignored, his simple stare melting into a glare. Only now did the Kuran turn to look at him, but his glare had simply became another blank stare.

He was creeping her the fuck out and he seriously needed to stop.

Like now.

"Yes, Sasuke?"


"Can I help you, Sasuke?"


"Is something wrong?"


"You're creepy..." Ichiki muttered.

"It's not my fault that your expressions are fun to watch," he shrugged.

She punched him, leaning back in her chair to continue reading her book.

Affection Between Us ||SasuIchi Oneshot Booklet||Where stories live. Discover now