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A/N: How many random female names can I come up for Naoki to annoy??? XD Also, this one is mainly about Naoki. She needs some lovin'.

Shiranui was hanging decorations for the upcoming school festival when she first heard the squeals, which belonged to the youngest of the four Kuran siblings. Naoki Kuran, a petite blond with gorgeous green eyes, was über excited to see her boyfriend again after three years. Deidara Namikaze, cousin to Naruto Uzumaki, was in the army and was being relieved soon.

Haruhi was running errands, as she was class president, when she heard the giggles. Izami, the class representative, was helping. Hyourin was sweeping the hall across from them while Fujiko waited quite impatiently to begin mopping.

Ichiko was studying when Naoki burst into the library, on the hunt for her sister by the name of Ichiki. Kumiko, Yuuki, and Hikari shot the blond annoyed looks as she was interrupting their work until she meandered to a different room. There, she encountered Tobuki and Shizuka. Since they weren't bothered by her loud entrance, she asked the sisters if they knew where to find hers. Kindly, they gave her instructions and Naoki thanked them before darting off into the distance. She passed Naomi and Saiko on her way to the boiler room, nodding at them in acknowledgment.

Students really weren't supposed to be in there, but that's where Ichiki and her beau had to eat lunch as Sasuke was incredibly popular. Luckily, his admirers weren't crazy enough to follow him into the small and heated space. That being said, the couple were occasionally accompanied by Kiba Inuzuka and his girlfriend -- Nobuko Hiyashi. Quite funnily, Nobu used to crush on Sasuke.

Opening the door, Naoki peered in and looked around for Ichiki.

"Is something wrong?" Ichiki asked, looking up from her sandwich.

"Dei-chan is coming home tomorrow!"

"Lemme guess, you want us to throw a party?" Sasuke sighed.

Naoki nodded enthusiastically.

"Alright. Last bell rang already anyway. You're just lucky that tomorrow is Sunday," Ichiki stood, ruffling her twin's hair.

The couple followed Naoki, somewhat concerned that her shrill voice would garner unwanted attention.

"SASUKE-SAMA!!!!" came the screeching of Kirei, alerting all nearby fangirls.

As the trio took off running as fast as they could, Sasuke was left wondering just he'd become involved with the youngest two Kuran sisters.

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