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Marinette woke up and went to school as usual. When she got to school, Ms. Bustier wasn't there yet. After taking to Alya for a few minutes, footsteps started approaching the classroom. But it wasn't their teacher... It was their principal, Mr. Damocles. He walked in a announced, "Hello class. I'm sure your wondering why your teacher isn't here. Today I have a very special announcement. We have won the Blue Ribbon contest for Best School Of  The Year! So for our prize, each class will pick the student with he best grades, and take the class on a visit to their hometown, with then as the guide! So for this class the student is..... Marinette Dupain-Cheng! And you will all be going to..... China! Where Marinette was born, with her as your tour guide! You all are released early to pack. I will talk to your parents about everyone going and tell you who is going tomorrow. Enjoy your day!". Then he walked out of the room. Marinette turned to Alya and said "I'm so excited to show you where I grew up!".

Marinette's POV

I can't believe I'm going back to China! This is amazing! I can't wait to see all my old friends! Especially my friend Liam, who I knew for all my life, since our parents are best friends! I can't wait to introduce him to everyone! I started talking to Alya, telling her how much I wanted to introduce her to my old friends and classmates. Alya smirked and said "Before we go, we should have a sleepover.... with Adrien and Nino! I froze in shock when suddenly my face turned redder than Nathanials hair. I mean it would be amazing.. Having a sleepover with Adrien... Wait! What was I gonna tell Chat Noir about me leaving!

Alya's POV

"Marinette?" I said as I shook her, apparently out of a Day dream. "So... what do you think?" I asked. She grinned and said "Let's do it!". I leaned forward to Nino and Adrien, who were also talking. "Hey guys, the day before we leave for China, do you wanna have a sleepover?". They both agreed and Nino asked where we should have it. Marinette quickly said "My place!" and giggled. We all agreed again and left the classroom to go pack.

Adrien's POV

We are going to China?! Father will never let me go! This could have been the greatest trip of my life, of my only one, but Father will ruin it!
*time skip to after convo with Nino, Alya, and Marinette*
I started walking home, excited about my sleepover with my friends. And Marinette didn't even hesitate to have it at her place. She's becoming more confident Day by Day. I walked into my house, and to my surprise, my father was there to greet me. He looked at me with his emotionless face and said "I got a call from your school asking permission for you to go on a school field trip to China. I sighed and waited for him to forbid me to go. Until I heard "I will give you permission, only because it is a chance for you to use your fluency in Chinese in the real world. But when you return you will continue with your photoshoots and your lessons". I looked up, smiled and said "Of course, thank you Father.." and then walked to my room. Plagg flew out of my pocket and said "Kid that's great news! I'm so happy for you!" And I grinned and flopped onto my bed. I agreed with Plagg and then heard a knock on the door. Natalie walked in and told me my Father wants me to pack. I said that the flight was at 9pm on Saturday, which was a week from now. Natalie said ok and informed my Father, I heard him say ok and continue with his work. The truth was that the flight was at 6am on Sunday, but my sleepover was the day before, and I knew my Father wouldn't let me go. I got up from my bed, and started happily packing.

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