Case Adjourned: Trials Of Justice

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This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and events are fictitious unless otherwise stated. Any resemblance from real person, living or dead, actual events are purely coincidental.

All rights reserved. No part of this story can be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any means or by any forms without the prior permission from the author.


Inspired by the game series entitled Ace Attorney by CAPCOM.

Book Cover By: Andrea_Nicute13

-AIterEgo-: Hello! This story is inspired by Ace Attorney. One of my favorite games. However this story is mine. Meaning, all contents of this story came from my mind and I didn't copy the whole thing from the game. Also, you may find some grammatical and typographical errors. I'm sorry if I missed that.

Also, the procedure on how the court trials and hearings made here are not accurate. Meaning, you cannot defend yourself in the court using this method. Trust me, law is more complicated than what you thought.

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"When things become complicated and you're desperate, it's the best time to smile."

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