Chapter 1: Hadrian [Harry Potter]

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The final battle was swift, but far too many died to end Voldemort. Harry managed to defeat the Dark Lord, but afterwards, he left. He knew he wouldn't be accepted, he was no longer human, he was a dark creature. He didn't leave immediately, he tried to make it work with Ginny. However, when was fate ever kind? The ministry the fools they were started conducting tests and forcing dark wizards to register. All throughout the war, Harry was convinced that a Dark wizard was Dark by choice, but when a ministry official came to his house he discovered otherwise.
"Harry Potter... The ministry is conducting tests for Dark wizards according to new laws ensuring the safety of the masses by creating a registration similar to the werewolf's for Dark wizards." Umbridge sneered out my name as she declared her purpose.
"Okay, what are you doing here then?" I asked placing my hands on my hips, pushing my hair that had grown to my waist aside slightly. The man with Umbridge stepped forwards, Harry recognised his auror uniform.
"In light of your recent changes, there are rumours of you gaining a dark creature inheritance." Harry's eyes narrowed at the words.
"You're here to test the wizard that killed the Dark Lord with one of the lightest spells to see if he's a Dark wizard?" Harry asked condescendingly. The ministry officials fidgetted realising the idiocy of their orders.
"I'm sorry mister Potter, but were simply following orders, in light of your changes."

The changes referred to appeared a few days after the battle of Hogwarts but took several months to complete. Harry's hair started to grow in long tight black curls and no matter how often he cut it the locks always returned to his waist.

His facial features underwent several changes, his cheekbones became more prominent, his eyelashes longer and darker, his jawline thinner and softer. Over all, he became more feminine and looked more like the black family. Harry was not pleased with his changes, to begin with, but at some point, he accepted and stopped caring.

His body structure changed as well, his skin became paler till it was the colour of bone without making him look ill. His waistline came inwards his bone structure seemed to shrink and his arms and legs were ridiculously thin now along with the rest of his body, even his ribs were fully visible. One good thing came from it though a majority of his scars faded, the only ones that remained were the basilisk tooth mark, the indention from Slytherin's locket and lightning bolt scars on his forehead and chest. Everything else was gone even the 'I must not tell lies.'

Hermione freaked out when she saw his apperence when she walked in on him changing and forced him into Saint Mungo's. Harry refused to go and clung to the doorway of his home, but when he saw claws form and dig into the wood in his horror he let go and they retracted.

He got a clean bill of health despite his clearly malnourished form. His next changes were frankly the strangest, he found his ears had at some point became pointed like an elf and his lips had turned black. Harry had to wear a glamour at all times to remain partially normal. Except his new hair refused to be glamoured oddly enough. Along the way Harry started thinking differently he caught himself forgetting to use a wand or using the Elder wand that would appear out of nowhere. He stopped eating vegetables, cooked meats, grains and the only thing he still ate was fruits and worryingly enough raw meat, but that freaked out all his friends, so he was on a fruit only diet. When eating meat his friends said his teeth had sharpened into fangs and his tongue seemed to elongate creating a very creepy image when he licked blood off his black lips.

His eyes were slitted like a cat's, but still, Avada Kedavra green, except they literally glowed now. They also largened looking particularly inhuman in a beautiful way. He found himself trying to stay away from the sun, but it didn't hurt him to be near it, it just felt like ants crawling across his skin. Somewhere along the way, Harry started to think his new form was very attractive and everyone else was quite ugly in comparison. This new thought patterns didn't help his relationship with Ginny at all and it ended once she saw him leering at men a few too many times.

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