Chapter 2: He Calls Himself Death [Loki Odinson]

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Thor and Loki were children watching their father fight the Jotuns. Neither noticed immediately, but the fallen soldiers started rising despite wounds, they thought it was some form of magic and were in awe. Until they noticed that it wasn't only their soldiers rising.

Loki was close to his brother Thor, but all of their friends made fun of Loki because he was a Seidr, a user of magic and brains, not brawn and recklessness. The two princes were called into the war council to observe as they have been doing frequently. Sitting around the table were the war council: Frigg, Tyr, Baldur, Heimdall, Idun, and Bragi aside from the older Æsir were the young children who showed large promise. Namely, Thor, lady Sif and the warrior three; Volstagg, Fandral and Hogun. Loki beside Thor and his friends to the left of him.
"Report Heimdall!"
"All of Yggdrasil is in chaos, no one can die."
"Report Tyr!"
"We have gotten many temporary ceasefire offers for until this phenomenon has ended as fighting is useless and will only blunted our weapons."
The meeting continued in this manner with no news of the cause being found. Thor naturally was confused as to why this was a problem.
"The Norns wish for entrence into Asgard." Heimdall declared resulting in deafening silence.
"Grant it!" Odin said self importantly as if he could have refused. Loki rolled his eyes at the show of arrogance that was his father Odin.

Three women entered the war chamber and spoke together.

"He has been angered by solitude,
So he took his power away from you.
By his whim life will not conclude,
He changed what was fact hitherto.
In a new realm, he now doth rest,
New life will begin at his request."

"Now death is absent,
The balance has broke.
Life has stopped at his intent,
Unless his mind is spoke.
Consequence he doth not see,
For he is outside the tragedy."

Loki was immediately able to see the consequences of such an action, also the implication.
"Father, there's an entity of Death?" Odin was the most likely to know of such a being.
"I must admit ignorance in the face of such a question. I have never encountered or heard of one. Heimdall!"
"I have not either my lord. There is no entity of Death among the branches of Yggdrasil. However, I have other news."
"The Dwarves forges have shut down."
"How?!" The room erupted into the chatter of disbelief.
"The forges are powered by a dying star, the said star is no longer dying." The room fell silent as the gravity of the situation was fully understood.
"Fertilisers will no longer be able to be made, the meat will not be available. New life has stopped and as such new crops will not grow. We will all starve, but be unable to eat, or die." Mother informed causing mass hysteria.
"Death has to be found! A golden fruit will be granted to whoever finds him!"

Several millennia later.
In the face of an abundance of light and absence of death, the Seidr was given a whole new sense of appreciation. The Seidr were able to use their powers to plant and grow crops, so the races were not starving, but they were all vegetarians. Loki was walking amongst the Asgardian forests looking for passageways leading away from the realm. This job was entrusted to him after he stumbled upon six of them accidentally, he was the only individual on Asgard capable of recognising the realm entrenches and where they lead. 

Loki found himself at a lake and he could feel the dimensional energy of another realm emitting from it. The oddest feeling was emitted from the lake and Loki could not recognise the other realm. The feeling was familiar, but he could not place it. Not at first, not until he thought back and recognised the sensation. The power of Death. Loki wasn't stupid, in fact, he would call himself quite the opposite. The god knew that if he reported this discovery he would get no acknowledgment for it. Thor and his group of brainless warriors would adventuring through the unknown. Odin would conveniently forget to mention the fact that Loki found the realm in the first place and in the absence of information the populace would make assumptions. Loki was aware that his father was not fond of him. He highly doubted that he would get the throne due to the Asgardian's opinion of him, which he was 90% sure was his fathers doing, to begin with.

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