Chapter 3: Mrydin & Peverell [Hadrian Le Mors]

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"Hadrian!" Loki ran into Hadrian's bedroom as he was changing and saw him in nothing but his briefs. The insensitive prick wolf whistled at the sight and instead of doing the proper thing and leaving lent against the door and leered. Not one to be out done, Hadrian gave Loki a reverse strip tease by slowly putting on his clothing.
"Well, now that delightful sight is over. I remembered I was supposed to tell you that outside this realm all of death had halted, so no one can die or eat meat any more."
Hadrian's head snapped up at that. "Really? Interesting. Do you know the way to Asgard I think it's about time we return or you'll be accused of slacking."

The two left Midgard and found themseleves in Asgard. The first thing Hadrian did was reconnect to the balance, because a universe without death was really uncomfortable. The two walked into Odin's throne room which was holding court at the time. The doors dramatically swung open slamming against the walls. Odin stood up in his fury before freezing at the sight before him. "Loki? You've returned!"
"Always one for theatrics aren't you Loki." Hadrian smirked entering the room that was a silent ad a grave after his entrance.

"Hello Odin. My name is Hadrian Le Mors. You would call me Death. I was informed by Loki here that my tantrum stopped all forms of death, my apologies."

Loki and Hadrian left the council who were all shocked into silence and as the doors closed the room  erupted  in noise. Hadrian and Loki ran away cackling maniacally, their destination the bifrost. "Heimdall would you be able to connect my world to the Bifrost?" Hadrian said as greeting. Heimdall fell to his knees with the greeting of, "Hail Death!" Pleased by the proper greeting Hadrian turned to Loki and said.
"See Loki that's how your supposed to greet me!"
"And pray tell why I would greet you like that? I believe we passed that stage when we saw each other naked." He smirked throwing an arm over Death and leering at his body, raising his eyebrows up and down suggestively. Noticing the shocked expression on Heimdall's face Hadrian decided to play along, though Loki was simply referring to the time they went into Japanese hotsprings together.

Hadrian wrapped an arm around Loki's neck pressing his body up against the elder man's. Loki lifted the others face and cradled it with one hand the other on Hadrian's lower back.
"Thor's watching." Hadrian spoke using their mind link.
"Mwahahahaha." Loki cackled evilly without changing his expression.
"We even took each other's symbols, my snake." Loki said with a sickining amount of adoration in his tone.
"My reaper." Hadrian said coming up with an admittedly unoriginal pet name, but Loki's wasn't any better. They were trying to prevent themselves from laughing because they had already silently decided this was going to be an ongoing prank, they wondered when it would get figured it out.

Hadrian was pushed up against the wall by Loki and he wound his legs around his partner in crime deepening the make out session. After a while they parted breathless sharing evil smirks before wiping their expressions and turning around. Both were surprised to see not only Heimdall and Thor, but the Warrior three, lady Sif, Frigga and Odin watching. Both men had legitimate surprised expressions at the confrontation.
"The two of you exchanged symbols?!" Odin asked in disbelief, as the exchanging of symbols amongst Gods is the most intimate form of marriage, even Frig and Odin hadn't done so. They nodded and summoned their symbols which were naturally the same, with only a few minor differences that wouldn't be noticed unless under intense scrutinisation.

After that mayhem was over the two were given rooms together, they didn't mind because they were already sharing rooms back in Midgard.


Three years later:
"Loki Thor's about to bardge in, want to prank him?" Loki grinned mischievously and started undressing.

When Thor opened the door yelling, "Brothers!" He was met with the sight of Hadrian laid out on the bed naked with an equal undressed Loki atop him and the sound of moaning mixed with grunts . Thor turned and ran away swiftly not noticing that neither were sweating or smelled of sex. Once he was gone they both fell over in their laughter. Despite everyones beliefs they weren't actually in a relationship; other than friendship or perhaps fellow pranksters.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2018 ⏰

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