Plans Change || Seven

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Cariah's POV:

Everyone of Colby's roommates were so nice. I got along with Devyn and Kat so easily.

"Okay. Sorry I'm back. So Umm Cariah do you wanna stay the night here? It's really late and I it's probably not a good idea for you to be driving this late" Colby said.

"Oh no it's fine I can get a hotel I don't wanna be a bother to you guys" I said.

"You are not a bother. Just stay here. You can sleep in Colby's bed and Colby can sleep in my bed" Corey said.

"Sounds like a plan" Colby said laughing.

"Guys really I don't wanna make you guys make room for me to sleep for one night" I said.

"Cariah. You can stay here. Don't waste money on a hotel when you can stay here for free" Colby said.

"Alright then. I really appreciate you guys letting me stay here"

"Do you need clothes to sleep in? I have some clothes that will fit you" Devyn said.

"No it's fine. I have a bag with my stuff in the car. I was planning to stay the night in a hotel tonight instead of going home anyway" I said.

"Okay well let's go get your stuff" Colby said as he led me outside. I went to my Jeep outside the fence and unlocked it.

"Wow you have a Jeep?" Colby asked.

"Yeah. My dad thought him buying me a Jeep was his way of showing me love but he actually bought it for me so I could go and do all the errands he doesn't want to do" I said as I grabbed my bag out of the backseat and then closed the door.

"Yup. Sounds like Jackson" I said.


"Okay so you can sleep in my bed and I'll sleep on this couch" Colby said pointing to the couch in his room.

"I can sleep on the couch Colby it's fine" I said.

"Cariah Colbie Brooks you are sleeping in my bed and I'm sleeping on this couch" he said.

"Yes sir" I said with a laugh.

"Okay well I'm going to go film a video downstairs with Corey so you can change in here and I'll be back up here within about an hour or so" he explained.

"It's like 2am. You're going to film a video now?" I asked.

"Yup that's what we do" he said with a laugh.

"Alright then. I'll just change and then go to sleep. And I should probably text my dad and let him know I'm okay even though he hasn't texted me" I said.

"What time did you leave your house?"


"You've been out of your house since 8AM and your dad hasn't asked where you are?" He asked.

"Nope. But that's Jackson Fulton for you. I could probably be gone for like two or three days and he wouldn't notice" I said.

"Damnnnn father of the year"

"It's whatever to me. At least I don't have a dad consistently texting me asking where I am and what time I'll be home"

"That's true. But I'm going to go film so I'll be back up in about half an hour to an hour" he said.

"Okay" he left the room closing the door behind him and I quickly changed into a flannel that was long enough to wear as a dress before quickly texting my dad telling him I was at a friends house for the night. I then got into Colby's bed and knocked out.

Colby's POV:

"Corey I don't know what to do. I'm like attracted to her. She's 17 years old and I'm attracted to her. Oh my god this is bad" I said quietly to Corey.

"Colby it's fine. She's a good looking girl. And she's almost 18 so don't feel too bad thinking she's attractive. Devyn even told me if she was into girls she'd definitely go after her" Corey said.

"Yeah but it's not just her age. She's Jade's daughter. The first girl I ever loved is her mother. I haven't loved anyone as much as I loved Jade and I'm into her daughter. She was supposed to be my stepdaughter. Oh my god I'm a perv" I said.

"Colby look. You have no relation to Cariah whatsoever. She's not related to you at all and you're not related to her. She's not your daughter she's just someone who you used to date's daughter. So as long as she's 18 and she's into you too. Then go for it. But if you're still all worked up about it then talk to the other roommates tomorrow and see if they think it's weird" Corey said.

"What's weird?" Devyn said as she walked into the kitchen and walked over to the fridge.

"Colby thinks Cariah is hot" Corey said.

"Oh my god she is isn't she. I'd totally be down to date her if I swung that way" Devyn said.

"So it's not weird for me to be into her? Her mom was the first girl I ever loved"

"No I don't think it's weird. As long as she's of age tho Colby" Devyn said before walking away.

"See" Corey said before following Devyn to their bedroom.

Maybe they're right.

I went upstairs to my room since I was ready to go to bed. I opened my room door and it was pitch black so I turned the flashlight on on my phone so I could see where I was walking. I saw Cariah was asleep on my bed but the blanket was off of her. I walked over to her and quickly realized that she was only wearing a flannel and no shorts. She must have moved a lot because it went up and was showing her underwear. I got the blanket and put it over her before laying on the couch and going to sleep.

Plans Change // Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now