Plans Change || Ten

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Cariah's POV:

"Oh hey Cariah" my dad said as I walked into the house. There was a girl sitting in the living room with him. This wasn't weird. He always had girls here.


"This is my oldest daughter Cariah. Cariah this is Jennifer" he said introducing us.

"Hi" I said with a smile as I shook her hand but she just slightly shook my hand back and rolled her eyes.

"Yeah okay" I said with attitude as I turned around.

"Cariah. Manners" dad said but I kept walking up the stairs and went to my room. I tossed my bag on the floor and saw my laptop was open. I clicked the space bar so it would light up and saw that the last thing I had on my computer was Colby's info before I left.

"Guess that's how Mariah and Crystal found me" I said quietly to myself.

"Oh my god Cariah were have you been? I had to deal with dad and this stripper bitch by myself" Zoe-Jane said as she came in my room.

"Ooh girl we got a lot of catching up to do. Close the door" I said. She closed the door than came and sat on my bed and I told her everything.

"Wait so you hooked up with Colby? Cariah he's like dads age. That's sick" she said.

"I know he's around dads age but got caught up in the moment and kissed him.....three times"

"You're siiiiiiiick"

"Not really there's people with bigger age differences"

"Cariah you're 17 though. That's illegal he could go to jail"

"ZJ your mom is here" dad yelled from downstairs.

"Coming" ZJ yelled.

"No he can't get in trouble. Only if we were to have sex which we didn't do and I don't plan on doing with him unless I'm legal" I explained.

"I mean I guess. How do you think dad would feel if he found out?" She asked.

"I have no idea but I don't plan on telling him" I said before we heard arguing downstairs.

"Is that my mom?" ZJ said.

"I think so" we both got up from my bed and went downstairs to see ZJ's mom Zoë and dad arguing.

"I cannot believe you Jackson. You have your two daughters here at home and you bring these random women here? Cariah was gone for two days and you didn't even bother looking for her. Instead some of your old friends from high school who haven't known Cariah that long got ahold of me and asked if I knew where she was. I'm taking your ass to court and getting my daughter out of this house" Zoë said.

"You always say that but you never do. You know you aren't going to do anything" dad said.

"You think Zoe-Jane doesn't tell me anything? She tells me that you tell Cariah to go drop her sister off at school and go do your errands for you when she doesn't have a license or permit and you're perfectly capable of doing them yourself. You let both them stay out for as long as you want with whoever they want and when they're gone all day you don't ask them where they are. So yes you bet your fucking ass I'm taking you to court." Zoë said before walking out of the house with ZJ.

"Sorry about that. Cariah go upstairs" my dad said saying the first part to the random girl and the second part to me. I walked upstairs and shut my door. I need to get out of this house. I decided to text Colby.

To Colby: hey I know I just left your house but I don't want to be home right now. Is it cool if we hangout again?

I got a response almost instantly.

From Colby: sure thing. I'll pick you up in about 25 minutes since Im at target

To Colby: sounds good

I went to take a quick body shower and then got dressed in a pair of black high waisted jeans and a black cropped tube top that showed a little bit of my stomach but not too much since my jeans were high waisted. I also put on a backwards hat and converse. As I was tying my shoes my text tone on my phone went off.

From Colby: on my way

I quickly did my makeup which took me an average of 15 minutes. As I was putting my red lipstick on I heard the door bell ring.

Uh oh.

Please tell me that's not Colby.

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