Plans Change || Eighteen

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Colby's POV:

It was after school hours so we were going to be able to walk around the school.

"Is Mr Garcia by any chance still working here?" I asked the people in the front.


"Okay thank you" I said. I walked out of the office with Cariah following me.

"Who's Mr Garcia?" She asked.

"He's the best teacher ever. He knew about everything that was happening between me and your mom and your dad. He even met you once when you were a baby" I explained.

"Wow. That's crazy. You you guys were close?"

"Yeah. We stayed in contact for the first year of me going to college but after that we pretty much lost contact" I explained. We got to Mr Garcia's class and the door was open. We walked in and I saw him sitting at his desk. He looks the same. This man never aged.

"Hey Garcia" i said and he looked up.

"Hey Colby. Oh my god I haven't seen you in years" he got up to hug me.

"I know it's been too long" I said.

"Is this your girlfriend or wife?" He asked referring to Cariah.

"No actually this is...Cariah Colbie Brooks" i said. It took him a second but then he realized who she was.

"Oh my god. Really?" He asked.


"Wow. It's nice to meet you. I was your parents and Colby's film teacher" he said.

"Oh really?" I asked.

"Yup. Everything I know today is because of this guy" Colby said.

"So how've you been Colby?"

"Good. I live in LA now and I'm still doing YouTube videos"

"I came across your channel the other day and saw how many subscribers you were at and was like wow"


"And how is Jackson?" He asked me.

"Ummmm-" I started but Colby cut me off.

"The same as he was in high school just a little bit more successful"

"Ah got it. So what are you guys doing here in Sanger"

"Well Cariah wanted to meet her grandparents so we came down to visit" Colby explained.

"Sounds fun"

"Oh hey I wanted to ask you if you still had our photo album" Colby asked.

"I do actually" he said as he walked to his desk.

"Every year Garcia made a photo album with pictures from that year" Colby explained.

"Cool" he came back over with a photo album and handed it to Colby.

"Is it cool if we take pictures of the ones with Jade?" Colby asked as he pulled out his phone.

"Yeah go ahead" we sat down at a desk and we looked through the pictures.

"This was taken a few days before your mom tried to kill herself" Colby said as he pointed to a picture taken of her in front of a green wall holding a camera.

"She looks....fine. Doesn't look sad or anything" I said.

"This one was actually taken two days after she came back to school after trying to kill herself" Colby said as he pointed to another picture. It was a group picture. My mom was in the middle sitting on a chair with a MacBook on her lap. There were two girls on one side of her and three guys on the other.

"Who took these pictures?" I asked as I continued looking at them.

"Umm Jackson was pretty much the photographer for the film class.

"Wow. He never takes pictures of me and my sister" I said.

"I'm sorry. I'll take pictures of you if you want" Colby said causing me to smile.

"It's fine. By the way you look exactly the same as you did" I said as I pointed to a picture he was in.

"I know I'm basically a vampire" he said.

Overall it seems like everyone in this class loved it. They all looked happy in the pictures and they all looked like they loved each other and loved what they were doing.

"Looks like this class was really fun" I said looking up at him.

"It was. I loved it so much" he said as he looked up at me. He started leaning in but I put my hand up in between us.

"Minor" i said. 

"Right" he said backing up.

"By the way how old do you parents think I am?" I asked.

"Ummm I didn't tell them. But you look like you could be 24"

"I do not look 24. I could pull off as 19 but that's it" I said.

"Well we'll go with 24" he said.

"Alrighty" Colby showed me around the school some more and showed me where they filmed certain videos like their ouija board skit, and their Blair Witch Project skit.

"This school is pretty small compared to mine" I said.

"Yeah well this is a small city"


"Well we should probably go. Your relatives are expecting us in half an hour" he said.

"Yeah we probably should go" I said. We left and got in the car.

After maybe 5 minutes of driving we pulled up to a house.

"Are you ready?" He asked.

"Ready as I'll ever be" I said before I took a deep breath.

"If at any point you want to leave use the code word seahorse and I'll come up with an excuse" he said.

"Why seahorse?"

"Why not?"

"Got it....alright lets go" I said before I took my seatbelt off and got off the car.

Plans Change // Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now