The canals of Venice

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I shivered and hunched down further into my coat, watching as the murky green water swirled past my feet. A call went up behind me. Finally backup had arrived.

I rose, grunting as my knees popped in protest.

"Down here" I called, my voice scratchy after 2 hours in the icy wind. Three men scrambled over the brick wall and down to the canal.

"Chiefs up top, says your to report" one muttered as he strode past to help heave the body out of the frigid water. I nodded, shaking with cold as I headed up for the street.

"Sir?" I asked as I drew level with the chief.

"ah, just the man I want to see, I don't believe we've met, please, call me Lee". All this was said in such a rush and coupled with his Chinese accent, the only word I caught was 'Lee'. His cheerfulness seemed out of place at a time like this, nevertheless I took his extended has and returned his dazzling smile. For a first impression of my boss, this was pretty good.

"As first man on the scene, I'd wanted to ask some questions, but you look frozen stiff, lets go grab a coffee" Lee said, slowing only slightly. I instantly warmed to him at the mention of coffee and his enthusiasm was infectious. He led me around a corner and onto a quiet street.

"This is my favourite place!" Lee exclaimed, pushing through the glass doors and bounding up the narrow stairs. I was hit with a rush of warmth as I opened the interior door and stepped into the café.

"And this is my wife, Tilda" he continued, hugging the plump women over the counter, "and Rosie, my daughter" he finished with a flourish to a willowy girl kneading bread.

"Lee, who's this?" Tilda's voice is soft and warm, her eyes sparkling.

"My newest detective" he said, beaming proudly, "Adrian has just joined the crew. Now if you don't mind, I'd like a coffee. 2 of your best please, Rosie dear." A small smile played around the girls mouth as she waved him off.

Lee turned to me "lets get started then" he said, settling himself into an armchair."Why," he paused raising his eyebrows "were you at the office so early?"

I started explaining how my investigation partner had wanted me to get to the office early so she could fill me in on our project before everyone else got there.

Lee's forehead creased in thought. "At 5 o'clock in the morning?"

I shrugged, "that's what she said"

"And you realise" Lee continued "That the woman found dead was meant to be your partner"

I nodded, my brow similarly furrowed. "the forensics say its meant to look like suicide" I venture. "But if that is the case, why would she want me at the office so early" I finish my question with another question.

Lee sighed "that, Adrian, is the mystery"

At that moment the coffee machine splutters to life and any further conversation is impossible. Lee jumps up to collect the 2 mugs Rosie places on the counter. when he is seated again I say, "Unless someone wanted to make it look like suicide, because the didn't want Julie to meet with me in the morning. What exactly was her assignment?"

Lee's eyes light up "she was looking for evidence that would warrant the arrest of a local drug abuser who has been a pain in our rear end for a while now. I can get you her file"

Lee leaps to his feet. "Mr Adrian, I do believe you are the perfect man for this job." He was already halfway out the door, calling "follow me" over his shoulder.

His wife glanced at his unfinished coffee, then met my gaze. "Good luck" she murmured.

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