Another puzzle piece

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By the time I get home I am still shaking. For a moment I rest my forehead against the cool glass of the door, content to let it ease the hammering in my temples. Fumbling with the key, I let myself in.

I glance into the living room as i pass, to see Malaki frowning his head bowed over a book. He catches my movement and leaps up, waving his book.

"In a bit, buddy" I say, "let me shower first". I feel like I have accumulated a years worth of grime and I can still feel Dean's greasy stare, sliding over my body.

* * * * * *

Even after 10 minutes of standing under the scalding water and scouring my skin until it shone red, I still felt filthy. Pulling a shirt over my damp head and buttoning my shorts, I head out to the lounge.

Again Malaki implores me to read his book, and this time i oblige, sinking gratefully onto the couch. I catch Danielle's gaze from across the room and she quickly averts her eyes. Noticing the papers spread across her lap, I ask her what she is reading. She holds up the cover page for her mums case study.

"Oh" I say, "if you don't understand some of the terms, I'm happy to help." She nods, absentminded. I focus back on Malaki, who is jiggling about beside me and pointing. "what's it say?" I ask. He squeezes his eyes in concentration and pinches his nose, before shaking his head in defeat.

"Dad..." Sam's voice is reproachful as it floats out of the kitchen, "You know you can't ask him that."

* * * * * *

As I finish reading to Malaki, Danielle rises and heads over. Noticing her expression, I hold any snide comments that come to mind. "What is it?" i say instead. Wordlessly she holds out a single sheet of paper. I squint at the tiny words, jammed into neat lines. "Can you read it out loud?" I ask, "I can't see without my glasses."

She sighs and angles the page back toward her. "April 7th, 2007. Secretary reported to have been making threats to his manager, Julie Atherston, but passed it off as a joke. Concerned for her safety, Julie reported this to her own boss, who immediately had the man reassigned. The secretaries name was Mathew Knox, a former co-worker that became her assistant after Julie was promoted." Danielle glances up. "Mum always talked about Matt. At first they were friends and he'd come round for dinner sometimes, but after she got that promotion there was a lot of friction between them...."

"And you think he's a suspect?" I finish her thought for her and she begins nodding. "I mean its possible" I muse, "I've got no other leads, so I guess I could look into it."

Danielle has her fingers resting on her forehead and her brow is scrunched. "Would i be allowed back into my house?" She asks.

"Maybe?" I say doubtfully, "it would depend what for"

"Well its nothing concrete... not sure if... I don't even know if I could find it..."

"What are you thinking?" I query.

Danielle appears to come to a decision. "If I can find a way to get in, will you take me to my place?"

I pause, slightly surprised by her enthusiasm. "I can but I doubt the police will let you in, they'll have it all taped up."

"It doesn't have to be the front door." I frown, puzzled. " Just get me to my street" she says, "and I'll do the rest".

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