Ch. 1

17 1 0

Hannah -

"Wake up!" My best friend Jacqueline yells. I get up and look over at her.

"Uhm, w-what time is it?" I yawn, rubbing my eyes softly as she opens the blinds to my window. "It's 7:45 AM, you have to get up! It's adoption day, silly!" She exclaims. I pop out of bed and skip to my small closet. I manage to come up with a decent outfit with my skirt and shoes, along with a t-shirt Jacqueline let me borrow.

"Do you think you'll be adopted?" Jacqueline asks. "If I am I'll miss you so much. You were the only one who was there for me and I love you so much!" I respond, hugging her tightly. Her mum owns the orphanage, I've been here since I was about three. I don't know much about my past. All I was told is that I was dropped off here at age three after my dad left my mum.

"I'm not sure, I mean many things could happen, if I do, maybe they'll realize that they don't want me and drop me back off in a few weeks," I sigh. Jacqueline looks at me and smiles sadly. "You're amazing, No one would ever do that to you." She reassures me.

I look at the clock nearby. 8:30 AM.

"It's time," Jacqueline bites her lip in hopes of not bursting out in tears. I smile sadly and start walking downstairs.

"Girls ages 12-17 please come down!" I hear Mrs. Norman's voice say over the loud speaker. I quickly hurry up and rush downstairs to see the girls lined up. I get into line and nervously play with the tips of my fingers.

I look up to see five handsome men standing in front of me.

Louis -

I woke up to a call from Simon telling me to get to Syco studios immediately. Me being me, I screamed loudly so the boys would wake up.

It worked.

"LOU?! WHAT'S WRONG IS EVERYTHING OKAY-- Oh you brat!" Harry exclaimed as he rushed in. I smirk and tell him to get ready since Simon needs us. He does as he's told and gets the rest of the boys up.

I rush to my closet and grab a pair of black ripped skinny jeans, a pair of black vans, and a white t-shirt. I run my fingers through my messy hair, not really caring about it.

The boys and I hop into our cab and quickly drive to the studio. As we rush into Simon's office he sat as his desk looking extremely cocky.

"What's the urgent problem?" Zayn yawns and rubs his eyes, still sleepy.

"You have to adopt a child." He smirks

"You're fucking joking."

Hannah -

"Hey there, Love. I'm Niall, what's your name?" A blond man asks as he walks up to me.

"Oh uhm, H-hannah.." I stutter. He smiles softly and looks at me with so much love and kindness. "There's no need to be nervous. How old are you?" Niall chuckles softly. I smile slightly and mumble sixteen. He looks at me and says, "Wanna come meet my friends?"

I nod and follow him to four boys.

"This is Harry, Zayn, Liam, and the most annoying one of the group, Louis," Niall smirks. Louis gives him a glare and I giggle. "Oh Guys, this is Hannah," Niall introduces me.

I wave shyly as Liam approaches me.

"Hey little one, I'm Liam. How are you today?" He smiles. "I'm pretty good, how about you?" I muster up the most innocent voice and smile.

Liam smiles and tells me about himself. We decide to play twenty questions.

"And last but not least, what's your favorite song?" Liam asks.

"Oh uh, at the current moment it's I'm Yours, by Jason Mraz." I snicker, blushing innocently. Liam laughs along with me. I look up and see Harry smiling widely.
"You should start packing." He smirks

"How come?"
"Because you're coming home with us."

Who would've thought? L.H. (Adopted By One Direction)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ