Chapter 1

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Most of this story will take place at the end of the 2nd season of Avatar the Last Airbender. I do not own the characters of Avatar except Tiger-Lilly and Cody.


I was brushing my hair and then I put my Fire Nation hair pin in it to keep it up. I stared at my reflection in my mirror and sighed. Two strands of hair hung down either side of my face as I leaned my chin into the palm of my hand. I hated it that I looked like Azula somewhat. If people just glanced at me they would say that they had seen Azula but my face was more angular you could say and I had a softer look in my eyes but people still mistook her for me at a distance and at first glance. I hated it! I was Zuko's twin for god sake and I looked like my little sister who I wanted to kill. Our bone structure was the same.

Everything was the same except I was born with blonde hair and blue eyes. Everyone thought it was weird because I am the only person in known Fire Nation history to be in the royal family with blonde hair and blue eyes. The Fire sages said that I had been touched by the great spirits and that's the reason why I have blonde hair and blue eyes. They told me that I had a great purpose for life and my father of course thought it was to take over after him and make everyone bow down to the fire nation but when I took over I had other plans. A lot of other plans. My father thought I was a disappointment like he thought of my brother. 

"So, you still won't come out," Azula's voice rang out from the other side of my door. I rolled my eyes and then looked back towards the mirror. Then I glanced down at the family photo I had. I had ripped my father's and Azula's face out. It was just Zuko, me, and mom. I missed mom a lot. She had been the only one who stood up for Zuko and I. When I was little she had disappeared without a trace and I hadn't seen her since. Zuko was still torn up over it and so was I because when she left we were left to the harassment of our father and younger sister, Azula. We both had grown up under our Uncle Iroh's wing more than anything and because we were left to fend for ourselves due to our mother leaving we were forced to grow up faster but, Zuko was forced to more than me.

Zuko had been living at the palace in the Fire Nation until he was banished at 13. He had spoken out at a war meeting against a general but my father, the cracked up father he was, took it as offense against him. Zuko's punishment for speaking out was to duel in an Agni kai, a fire match. He thought he was going to go against the general but it was our father and Zuko refused to fight. He was burned on his face and father banished him to hunt the Avatar for the rest of his existence. It was hard because...well because I had the powers of the avatar. I didn't know if I was exactly the Avatar per say but I'm sure Zuko felt hopeless.

"Leave me alone Azula!" I called back across my room hoping she would hear me through the door. She was stupid enough she wouldn't.

"It's been a year and a half! Zu-Zu isn't coming back!" She said through my door. I went to my door outraged; red colored my cheeks as I yanked the door open. She stared at me with wide eyes and I glared at at her my sneer came to my face.

"But he will come back after father is dead and you are fire lord and he will take his rightful place as Fire Lord and knock your scrawny butt in jail or a mental institution where it belongs!" I screamed letting my temper getting the best of me. She smiled evilly and I got confused until she ran off down the hallway laughing. Oh, she was going to go tell on me. Hm, well let's see how this goes. I closed the door back up and shook my head.

"Crap" I murmured as I started to pace around my room. I'm the one in the family that spoke her mind and didn't hold back, not even to the fire lord a.k.a daddy dearest. They said it wasn't royalty like. My opinion was screw royalty. It wasn't that fun being royalty. I glanced around it and then looked over at a photo of Zuko and I shortly before he had been banished; in it he had me on his back and I had my head on his left shoulder smiling at the painter. Zuko was smiling also, it was rare when he smiled but I loved him smile. I heard footsteps again and I looked back at my door.

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