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My mom opens her mouth, as if she is going to say something. She closed her mouth a few seconds later and just stares, like I was at the newscast.

"We.... We need to leave." My father stutters out.

At this, I found enough energy to speak my opinions. "Leave? No, we can't leave. This is home. We're not-"

My mom looks to my dad, and interrupts my ranting. "Emily, go pack your bags. Now." She sternly says.

"No way, nope. We're not leaving, I'm not leaving." I yell.

"I said now, Emily." she growls.

I want to voice my thoughts, but I can't.

No. No. No. No. Not leaving, can't leave. Ran through my head

I sadly left the room to pack my bags, holding in tears

~*After only packing not too much*~

"Emily, cmon. We're going!" Mom screams from downstairs.

She sounded frantic.

"But... But I'm not done!" I yell back.

"We need to go now!" She responds

I grabbed my bag and ran out of the room. I choke back the sobs that are clouding my vision. Before I leave I notice the picture. I couldn't leave it behind, it was the last one of all of us. I jammed it in the bag and ran down the stairs.

My parents we're outside of the front door waiting for me.

"Cmon, let's move, cmon!" Dad yells.

We ran out the door into the almost blinding sun.

I saw some other people roaming the streets. Maybe getting to their cars?

I got into the back seat as my parents got in the front.

And we started driving to the highway.

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