New House?

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My parents were in the front seat while I sat in the back. All I could hear was police sirens and my mothers quiet sobbing. Helicopters and police cars zoomed by, all going past us.

Mom: so. What are we gonna do?

Dad: try to keep up with the police, or get to a military zone. Something.

Emily mumbling: once again, I get no say.

Dad: what was that?

Emily: nothing.

~*After a minute or two of silence*~

Dad: d** it!

We had hit traffic.

Then I saw it.

A man stepped out of his car holding his phone. He was probably trying to get cell service.

Then it jumped him

It's skin was peeling a bit and it's body was pale. It was dead. It was a zombie.

I was too stunned to even respond before the zombie sunk its teeth into the man's face, then more came and mauled the man.

Emily screaming: DAD!!! MOM!!!

My dad saw and tried to turn the car around. It was too late. Cars had already filed behind us

Mom: how do we-

She was cut off by one of the drooling freaks jumped up to my window

I screamed at the top of my lungs as the thing reaches its hands in trying to scratch, bite, or do god knows what to me.

I kicked back and and pressed my back against the other side of the car

Suddenly my dad pulled out a knife and stabbed the thing's hand.

The only thing that did was have blood drip from its hand onto the seats

I screamed even louder.

My dad rolled down the window more.

Now the thing was sticking its torso in the window.


My dad didn't respond but grabbed the monster up by its hair and stabbed it in the heart.

Since it was closer, this time the blood splattered on to my jeans.

My dad finally jammed the knife into its brain. It fell limp on to the seat.

I didn't realize I was still screaming until then.

I finally stopped and I was having trouble breathing. I don't think I was meant to scream that long

Emily: oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god.

Mom: grab your bag. Lets go!

I did as told and ran out the door.

Before I could run, I was scooped of my feet.

I was about to freak when I looked and it was my dad.

He held me like a baby and ran into the woods with my mom by his side.

~*few hours later*~

Mother's POV

It had to have been hours now. We were all tired. Emily was even asleep in John's arms. Can't blame her. Today only she's seen more than any normal kid should in their life. I just want to keep her safe.

John lifted his arm to wake her.

I caught it first.

Mom:let her sleep.

Dad: Sheryl, what are we gonna tell her?

Mom: that it's okay.

Dad: it's not okay! How are we gonna tell her? Tell her that her family is dead? Tell her that everyone she ever knew is most likely dead? How do we tell her? Sheryl we-

Emily: Stop fighting!

S***, she woke up.

Emily: Just stop fighting.

After a few hours I saw something in the distance. Was that?

A house?


Sorry! I know I didn't post for a long time, so I made this one longer! I know it doesn't make up for it but it helps right?

Ps I'm starting my horror stories soon, I didn't realize how long it took to write the first one I wanted. So, sorry about that to. Also you could help me a lot by checking out my friend's accounts. They have really cool stories thanks.





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