Epilogue, part one

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Five years later


I take a deep breath and look at the doors. There will be no turning back once I push them. Well, there was no turning back for me the moment I first saw him, but this is more official. I think of everything we have been through together.

After I woke up from my coma, the pain kicked in. They put me on morphine, but they had to gradually lower the quantities, and it hurt like hell. But he was there to hold my hand all along. When I finally got out of the hospital, it took me time to adjust. Living a normal life after months of being caged by white walls was not as easy as I thought... And I couldn't move as much as I wanted to. Still he helped me get back on my feet every time I felt like collapsing.

When I finally got better, we started to wonder what we were going to do with our lives. He didn't want to go back to Chicago, and I respected that. I knew how hard it was for him in there and I understood why he wanted to leave his past behind. But we had nowhere to go. Max told us about this other city, Boston, an old experiment no longer observed. They had turned to a political regime called democracy and it seemed to work for them. So we left, unsure of what future was waiting for us there, only relying on each other. It was hard at first; we did not have money, or a home, or contacts there, but we got through it... I still remember the first time he showed me the house... He had my eyes blindfolded and he brought me in. I knew it was perfect from the moment I saw it. Living in there with him was a dream come true.

We are not a perfect couple. We have our ups and downs, but I believe in our love and it's power, and I know I won't regret pushing these doors.

"Are you ready Beatrice?" Caleb asks putting his hand on my shoulder.

"I've always been," I answer with all my heart.

I push the doors to see a handsome Tobias in a suit. Everybody stands up and Caleb slides his arm under mine. Our friends from Boston and Chicago came and it makes me so happy. Christina of course is my bridesmaid and she is crying like a pansycake... Ugh that girl sometimes... I guess that's why I love her.

In no time I'm next to Tobias and he offers me his arm. Caleb whispers in my hear:

"You'll always be my little sister." I smile and turn to the love of my life to take his arm.

The priest starts talking and I get lost in Tobias's gaze until it's time to say our vows.

"Beatrice," the priest says, indicating that I'll start.

"Tobias. Where to begin? I could spend a lifetime talking about you and never get bored. From the moment you pulled me out of that nest, deep down, I knew. You are the one for me, I am the one for you. It is clear as crystal. I used to think that when people fell in love, they just landed where they landed and that was it. But with you that's not true. With you I just keep flying, I never fall, because, just like the first time when met when I fell in that nest, you are always there to catch me. I love you more than I can comprehend or than words can express, you are the capital L Love of my life and I'll keep flying with you till my dying day and beyond," I end with teary eyes.

"Beatrice. When your body first hit the net, all I registered was a gray blur. I pulled you across it and your hand was small, but warm, and then you stood before me, short and plain and in all ways unremarkable-except that you had jumped first. The stiff had jumped first. Even I didn't jump first. Your eyes were so stern, so insistent. Beautiful. I supposed a fire that burns that bright isn't meant to last. But I was so wrong, Tris. You keep burning brighter each day that passes by, and you light up my world. You are my light at the end of the tunnel. My life was so dark until you came my way and saved me. You say that I saved you by bringing you back, but the truth is you are the hero, Tris, and you will keep on being my hero for the rest of my life," he pauses, takes a step towards me and gently puts a hand on my stomach. "I swear I will protect you, make you laugh, hold you when you cry and love you for as long as I may live." He finishes, slightly rubbing my swollen belly. My baby bump doesn't show much yet but it's starting to grow. He doesn't have to say it, but I know that the "you's" were plural in his last statement.

"Do you, Tobias Eaton, take Beatrice Prior to be you lovely wedded wife?"

"I definitely do!" He exclaims with a smile in his eyes.

"And do you, Beatrice Prior take Tobias Eaton to be your husband?"

"Do you even have to ask? Of course!" I say.

"You may kiss the bride," the priest says.

My arms find his neck, and he has one arm on my waist, one arm on my stomach. Our kiss is the only thing that can express my love for him, because I never seem to find the words. He smiles against my lips and whispers:

"We're gonna be a family!"

We break apart, but I keep his forehead pressed to mine and say:

"I love you so much."

He smiles: "I love you too."


Cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuute!!! THEYRE GONNA HAVE A FOURTRIS BABYYYYYYYYYY OMGGGGG!!! Sorry I'm fangirling... I'm sorry I'm not gonna triple update because I'm tired and it's one am... Last chapter will be up tomorrow or later today since it's past midnight...




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