Chapter 2

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When everybody left some guy gave us something. Guns! He looked like he was from the government so this had to be important.

Louis's p.o.v

Why on earth would jacka** be scaring us telling us to stay here? And some other idiot comes in with guns. WTF. Nicole tried to calm him down by saying " it's ok Louis why are u yelling and shouting that's not gonna help . I know but I'm just so annoyed and confused. Well stop it's beginning to annoy the rest of us she said agitated.

Back to me

Ok so now after Louis calmed down the guy explains what's going on " so a zombie apocalypse is going to happen. That's why I gave u guys the guns. I need u all to be trained who knows how to use a gun here?" I rely only and the boys here sir. Abbie, Alexis , Nichole the girls over there aren't really experienced. Alexis said in a serious way " I can use a water gun if that could help with the zombie apocalypse.

P.o.v FBI dude

This is gonna be a long training time

Little green hair girl "yep"

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