Chapter 5

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I couldn't believe what is happening! some scientist was laughing evilly because he had been mind controlling all the zombies. Them bitting Nicole's leg, bitting Josh's arm. This guy needed to stop everything.

Alexis p.o.v

I can't believe this guy is making all the zombie kill us. It's so ridiculous and most of the zombies went after Mark. I don't know why but hopefully there be an explanation.

Made scientist p.o.v

Now all u worthless hunters listen. out of u 8 idiotic kids one of u has the golden heart so I activated all the zombies to go after the golden heart. I guess it looks like it's the pathetic red head boy better save him. so is there any more questions? No? good no. Zombies attack even harder!! ( evil laugh)

Back to me

Ugh there going after Mark what am I supposed to do I don't want him to die. I must do something!

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