Baby Doll

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"Girls, dinner!"

Stan sat Lee in his high chair as Ella and Marcella came running into the room. They were wearing matching butterfly wings and held identical fairy wands. Ella hit her wand on Lee's head lightly, making him yell.

"Ella, don't hit your brother," Stan said.

"Ok!" Ella hummed, taking her place at the table beside her twin. "Where's Mommy?"

"She's on a deadline. Workin'," Stan answered, setting out the food. "So quiet down a bit, alright?"


"Daddy, can you sew?" Marcella asked, kicking her feet a bit.

"Sew?" Stan blinked. "Uh- a bit, I guess."

"Can you make us fairy dolls?" Marcella grinned. "Pleaaaaaase?"

"Please please please?" Ella added excitedly, bouncing in her seat. "Us but as fairies!"

"Oh. Uh, I don't know. I could try-"

The twins started cheering, and Stan rubbed the side of his face, sighing.


"Ow! Son of a bitch..."


He looked up, seeing Bella leaning in the doorway. She quirked her head, smiling slightly.

"What're ya doin'?" She asked. Stan looked back down at the needle and thread in his hands.

"...trying to sew?" He frowned a bit. "It's a lot harder than I thought."

"Why're ya tryin' ta sew?" Bella asked, sitting down next to him.

"Well, the girls wanted little fairy dolls of themselves, so..." Stan trailed off, glancing away and shrugging a bit.

"D'aww..." Bella grinned, setting a hand on Stan's face and kissing his cheek. "That's real sweet, hon."

Stan smiled shyly and rubbed the side of his face where she had kissed.

"Heh. Thanks, babe."

"Hey. 'Member when we first found out Ah was pregnant? An' ya thought ya wouldn' be a good dad?" Bella said, leaning her head on Stan's shoulder.


"Y'were wrong. Yer the best dad," she said softly.

"...really?" Stan asked quietly.

"Mm-hm. Really," Bella smiled. "An' ya know, there's nothin' more attractive than a guy who's good with kids. Ya love them girls so much. It's adorable."

Stan grinned and wrapped an arm around Bella, kissing the top of her head.

"I love you too, babe."


"Hey, girls."

"Hi!" Marcella waved. Stan stood in the bedroom doorway, hands behind his back.

"What's that?" Ella asked, pointing.

"Close your eyes." Stan smiled. The twins both covered their eyes, and Stan kneeled down in front of them and held out his hands. "Ok, open 'em."

Marcella gasped and squealed, grabbing the fairy doll of herself. It had a long pink dress and purple shoes, and a tiara. Ella's had a t-shirt and skirt and brown shoes. They both were holding magic wands and had fairy wings sewn onto the backs.

"You made 'em!" Ella grinned, holding onto her own doll.

"Yeah, well- you guys wanted 'em so much." Stan shrugged and smiled.

"Thank you thank you thank you!" Marcella jumped up and hugged Stan around the neck. Ella joined her, and Stan laughed and hugged them back.

"No problem, princess."

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