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"Mom? Hey!" Marcella held the phone between her ear and her shoulder as she looked for her car key. "I have like, ten missed called from you. What's going on?"

"Sorry, Ah fergot y'were at work- sorry," Bella responded.

"You're fine. Is something wrong?"

"Well- alright, no one died," Bella said.


"Ok, there's a long story behind this, but quick version- yer dad got his mind wiped an' lost his memories-"


"Don' interrupt me. Ah'll tell ya the whole thing when ya get here- if yer comin-" Bella sighed. "He's havin' trouble rememberin' everythin' 'bout you an' yer siblin's. Ah thought it might help ta have y'all here. T' trigger 'em. That's how the rest of 'em have been workin'-"

"I mean- what, like, he has amnesia?" Marcella frowned.

"Eh- sorta? It's complicated," Bella said. "But there's ways ta get his memories back."

"Well if it helps, yeah, I'll fly over," Marcella said. "Sky'll stay here to watch Jacob and Brittany. And Brandon can fly back with me-"

"Thanks, sweetie. It means a lot."

"Of course, Mom. I'll see you soon."


 "Hey, sweetie!"

"Hey, Mom." Marcella hugged Bella, accepting the kiss she left on her cheek. "Is Dad ok?"

"Yeah- yeah, he's alright," Bella confirmed. "Lee jus' got here yesterday- Ella hasn' shown up yet, but she said she'll be here t'morrow, probably."


"Aunty Marcy!"

Marcella grunted as Taylor and Tyler slammed into her and hugged her.

"Haha! Hey, you two!" She grinned and squeezed them back. A third body joined the group hug. "And Jenny."

"Hey, Mom," Brandon leaned against the doorway leading to the living room.

"Ah! Baby boy!" Marcella grinned and hugged the boy, squishing his cheeks and kissing his forehead.

"Mom, I'm not a baby anymore-" Brandon complained.

"Shush. Where's your grandpa?" Marcella asked.

"In the living room," Brandon said.

"You kids go on- let Marce say hi." Bella shooed the kids upstairs. "Dipper, Mabel!" Said kids appeared from the living room, Mabel holding a scrapbook under her arm. "Marcella's gonna say hi to Stan-"

"Ahh, are you one of Grunkle Stan and Graunty Bella's kids?" Mabel asked excitedly, eyes shining.

"Yeah! I'm your- cousin, I think?" Marcella said. "Wow, I haven't seen you since you were little! But, um- I'm not sure I've met you- Dipper, was it?"

"Y-you have," Dipper mumbled, glancing away and tugging his hat down a bit. "I'm, uh- I-I was-"

"He's my twin!" Mabel interrupted, throwing an arm around her brother. "We saw you when we were seven!"

Everything seemed to click into place rather quickly for Marcella.

"Ah! Ah, alright- yeah!" Marcella smiled. "Well, it's nice to see you again, Dipper. You guys were so small before! It's so weird seeing you both so big."

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