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AN: This is a one shot from the original Mullet Man fic, but I'm moving it here. So it's not a new one, it's just being reorganized.

Brandon sat in the gift shop, leaning back on the stool behind the counter as he painted his nails. Customers milled about the shop, looking at the over-priced knickknacks. As Brandon finished the first coat of nail polish (light blue, the final layer would include glitter), his eyes were drawn to his cousins in a corner of the shop, attempting to flirt with a boy.

Brandon rolled his eyes. Of course his cousins had to be those girls. He watched as the boy, obviously uncomfortable, attempted to escape the two girls. But Mabel and Jenny weren't having it. Brandon sighed. It was probably up to him to rescue this poor guy, wasn't it? He got up, making sure to not smudge his nails, and walked over to the three of them.

"Hey you two, leave him alone, huh?" Brandon said to Mabel and Jenny. "He's obviously not into it."

"Thank you!" The guy exclaimed. Mabel and Jenny pouted as the boy quickly left.

"Seriously you two, why do you do that?" Brandon asked.

"Well, it's our first summer away from home!" Mabel grinned.

"The perfect chance for an epic summer romance!" Jenny agreed happily, bouncing in place.

"Ugh, romance," Brandon stuck his tongue out in disgust. "I've never seen what's so great about it."

"Aw, come on!" Mabel giggled and nudged her older cousin. "Haven't you ever like-liked someone before?"

"Nope. Never," Brandon said.

"What?" Jenny blew a raspberry. "You've seriously never had a crush?"

"Not once," Brandon repeated. "Never wanted a relationship. Never understood why someone would."

"Because they're so fun!" Mabel told him. "They make you feel soft and gooey and loved and lovey!"

She beamed and wrapped her arms around herself.

"How could you have never liked someone?" Jenny asked. "Everyone likes someone!"

"Not romantically," Brandon said. "I'm aro."

"'Arrow'?" The girls repeated.

"Like the thing you shoot from a bow?" Mabel tilted her head in confusion. Brandon laughed.

"Now that's a response I haven't heard before," he smiled. "I like that one!"

"So it's not that?" Jenny asked.

"No, not A-R-R-O-W," Brandon said. "A-R-O. Short for aromantic. I don't experience romantic attraction. And asexual, I don't experience sexual attraction."

"Aww, that's so sad!" Mabel frowned.

"No, it's not," Brandon said sternly. "I still love my family and friends. I just don't want a boyfriend or girlfriend. I'm not upset about it at all. So you shouldn't be either."

"Oh," Mabel nodded. "Ok! If you're not sad, I won't be upset."

"Me neither!" Jenny agreed.

"Good," Brandon smiled. "Thanks, guys. Now, if you'll excuse, I have nails to finish."

"Ooh, can we see?" Mabel asked excitedly, both girls bouncing.

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