Life After The Death Cure

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Thomas's P.O.V.

I sat with Brenda the day that we had escaped. My feet were dangling when it all hit me... we escaped, we made it out, we can start over, this is our chance to save whats left of the population.

But I just lost the most important people, basically my family, because some stupid disease. I missed them so much. Thats when it hit me that wall of emotions. I tried to hold it in but I couldn't... I let it all out and cried.

When I finally stopped I looked to Brenda whose eyes were red from both crying and lack of sleep. After that long cry he promised himself he wouldn't cry anymore, he had to be strong for these people...

"We did it" I said turning to Brenda looking in her eyes. "We got out... away from those slintheads... Yeah we lost tons of people but we did it. We can restart everything"

"Yeah it doesn't seem real right now" She replied looking back foward "Do you think that Teresa and Chuck are in a better place?"

"Yeah but I loved her" I said "She was the closest I had to family and Chuck, oh man, He was the first real friend and then Newt I..." Then I remembered I hadn't told anyone what I had done to him...

"what?" She said. "How do you know Newts dead?"

"Never mind I don't really want to talk about this kinda stuff right now" I said getting up to go and talk to Minho. "I'll talk to you later" and with that I walked off towards Minho.

I stood next to him and didn't talk for a little bit. Then I spoke.

"Whats next?" I asked turning to look at him.

He looked back at me and said "I don't want to do a shuck thing after all the klunk WICKED put us through but we should look for food somewhere then find something to build shelter with I guess"

"Yeah. We need to get all of these people in a Gathering soon and get into groups, asign jobs, and I guess go back to things were back in the glade minus the whole maze deal..."

"Yeah lets get the rest of group B, Brenda, Jorge, Ter- *cough*, uh Gally, and the rest" He said the last part kind of sadly.


Well there is how I think that it started out after the Immunes escape from WICKED . I just finishe The death Cure and I wanted to know more about what happened after everything. So this is how I think it goes down! Care to join me and the Immunes for the ride?

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Thanks Maze Runner fans! RUN ON!!!!!!!!! -T

(Author from the past Hehehehehehe my stories have been getting longer!!! Have faith in your beloved weak probs not fave author!!!! RUN ON) *RUNS AWAY*

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