The Gathering Plans

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Thomas' P.O.V.

MInho, Brenda, and I got the rest of our group and told everyone to round all the people and then we will split them into groups and start asigning jobs. We started to gather people telling them to stay and wait where they were brought to we are having a gathering. Once we all gathered the people sat down and thats when we decided to explain everything.

"As most of you have guessed we have escaped WICKED so now we are safe we have no more worries but then again we do the future relies on us. This is our chance to turn the world around it's all up to us so that means we have to find food, build shelter then once we are settled we uh... we have to uh...have to try to make the best of things... Try to start the world over again...

"So we need to take count and put you guys into groups and then asign jobs in groups in diffrent areas" Minho said. "So please just sit tight as we, as in me and my friends, get things going" He motioned to the rest of our group to come and discuss what's next.

We all gathered and started to through ideas out there. "How about we split them up into 20's then asign a third of the groups for food hunt and have them do something about eating arrangments, another third to searching for stuff to build shelter with, then the rest to build shelter or something like that?" and everyone agreed that that was the plan.

We then split everyone into groups and asigned them jobs and put everyone to work. Brenda and I decided to go together with the food hunters. we climed the hils that we saw when came out of the flat trans. once we were on top there was a forest and we walked on. I'm sure that there were going to atleast berries or something.

When we got to the forest there was a note on one of the trees

Box 1: food up ahead

I wonder if they were planing this... Once we found a shed towards the back of the forrest they grabbed all the things they could most of it was packaged to stay fresh. They carried back all the food to where they had first arrived. So far everything is going okay. Just okay.


There's a second chapter! thanks for reading. Vote comment follw and share?

-T (oh and RUN ON)

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