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Brenda's POV

I decided to get away a little bit from the choas in camp and went and sat under the tree where we had a meeting that morning. I looked around seeing people bussling about and what not. My eyes landed on Thomas making his way over the hill, most likley to the sream. It was quite nice weather today. I watched as Thomas walked over to the hill. when he made it to the top he looked up from the ground and a look of pure horror came across his delicate face.

He stumbled back a few paces and turned ready to yell. he then turned around and by then he had stumbled on the ground and he looked back and seemed less terrified than before. Thomas then sat there on the ground. By this time I was up on my feet halfway over to see what's wrong.When I reached him he had his head in his hands.

I kneeled next to him putting my hand on his shoulder, "hey Thomas, You okay?"

He looked up to me with fear in his eyes. "What? Yeah I-I'm fine"

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"No" he said quietly looking down playing with his hands nervously.

"Would you like to talk about it? I'm sure I got time to spare until I ahve to get back to helping babysitting" I offered.

"I keep seeing things Brenda. I-I can't take it's so hard to get images out of my head... of people and of fires, death... They're terrible" he said a tear rolling down his cheek. I sat next to him a huggged him from the side and he turned and hugged be back. I sat there trying to comfort him. 

"It's gonna be alright Thomas we're gonna be ok. I promise you it'll get better from here on. We'll get through this together. Kay?" I aksed. He just nodded in response and we sat there for a little while longer holding eachother tightly.

Eventually we had to part ways and go back to our jobs. All I kept worrying about was poor Thomas and wondering if he would have anymore visions, more like memories, anytime soon. I was trueley concerned for all the gladers health. they have been through so much in such a little amount of time...


Welp theres your guys update! and a little taste of Trenda *sidesmirk*. What do you guys think? also I have been thinking and I need to call you guys a name (fandom name). So what do you guys think, Any ideas? Comment them and I'll choose my fave! Like, comment, and vote!


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