"Let's go bunny!" I hear my brother say
"Okay bear! Be right down!" I yell back to him applying lipgloss to my lips then shoving it in my little backpack.

Me and a few of my brothers friends are going shopping! I slip my maryjanes on and look at myself in the mirror one more time. I'm wearing a pink sweater, with blue denim overalls and blue and pink llama thigh highs I bought off amazon! The things you can do with on Internet!

Recently I've lived reading in Wattpad. I read a lot of books about my favorite stuff! I also love coloring on my phone!

I grab my phone and run downstairs fast. We have to go pick up a few of my brothers friends!

"Go get in the car bun" I nod and run to the door giggling. My thin blonde pigtails dancing in the wind.

I rip open the door so hard that it hits the wall beside it. "Hey! That's corner time" Bubby says, I frown and nod pulling the door closed behind me. I look around outside and breathe in the fresh air. We live in a kind of rich neighborhood. The houses are nice and the gardens are well kept but there's some people who have low paying jobs or are unemployed and living off food stamps. I'm lucky enough to have a big brother who makes a lot of money selling stuff he won't tell me about.

My brother is 26. He's like the parents I didn't have. My uncle took me and my brother out of the house when I was 1 years old because my parents were bad bad people apparently. After my brother turned 19 my uncle passed away mysteriously. My brother dropped out of high school and got his job from my uncle. And me, I'm 17, becoming a senior in high school, I've always taken my classes online but this year I have to go to public school due to some odd reason.

Bubby jolted me out of my thoughts slamming the door shut. "Come on bunny." He says with a hint of aggravation in his voice.
I nod and run to the drivers side backseat of the car. I get in and buckle up, turning on the tv that's attached to the headrest of the seat infront of me, turning on paw patrol.
Before I knew it we were off, first we went to go get Bubby's girlfriend, Isabella. I don't think she likes me very much. She gives me a weird look and laughs at me sometimes. It makes me feel bad but I just ignore it and keep smiling. We pull up to her house, which is very rundown but would be very nice looking with some cleanup and renovation.
"Hi baby!" She squeals getting into the front seat of the car and leaning over kissing my brothers cheek.
Then she looks back at me giving me a mean look.
"Hey babe your little sister just flipped me off!" She says.
I don't even know how to do that!
"Babe, she has the innocence of a 4 year old. She doesn't even know how to do that, even if she did flip you off I'm sure she didn't mean you or think anything of it." He looks up at me in the rear view mirror and winks. I giggle and go back to watching tv.

Next we're going to get Grayson! He's so funny and makes me laugh.
I didn't even realize we had already got him when he suddenly whispered in my ear. "Whatcha watching pumpkin?" He asks quietly. "What's it look like?" I say giggling. He shoots me a look that's scary. "No sass little one." He says sternly. I nod and mumble "it's paw patrol. My favorite." He chuckles and says "I can see that!" I giggle. I bend down to get into my back pack and feel a hand placed on my back. "Whatcha want doll, let me help you get it." He says bringing my backpack up to his lap. "I want my milk and chocolate" I say. "Please." I add. He raises an eyebrow. "And?" He asks. I realize I forgot to say thank you. "Please and thank you."  I say quickly. He smiles and hands me my sippy with strawberry milk and my chocolate bar. I take a quick sip of my drink before setting it in between my legs. I decide I want some chocolate and try to open it with some struggle so I use my teeth. It works, I get it open and shove half of it in my mouth. Grayson giggles. "Hey now, you shouldn't use your teeth to open stuff, and you shouldn't eat a whole chocolate bar in one sitting or else you'll get a belly ache." He explains. I nod and wrap the rest of it up putting it back into my back pack and drinking more milk. We got my brothers other friend Ethan and we're headed to downtown, then to the shopping mall!
I continue watching paw patrol while everyone else converses. I feel a hand land on my leg gently, his thumb rubbing my outer high. My eyes start to drift closed and I start to count sheep.
Dreaming of Grayson's hugs and an endless ice cream bar.

A little later, I'm awoken to flashing lights, a weird smell, and sirens behind us.

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