Chapter 6

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If you saw how still we were you would think we were statuses. Bodies tense, lips unmoving, with a weary expression chiseled onto our faces. However our eyes give us away, they keep darting between one another, trying to figure out what we should do next.

"Please don't kill anyone."

It's Myla, her voice sounds weak against the noise of the forest.

Great she's gone and made the poor girl scared.

It's not the first time she's heard threats like this but when words like that come out of a girl like Esme you can't help but be skeptical.

"Don't worry Myla, she won't be doing any killing."

I turn to see Nuxly, who's discomfort is slowly turning into anger.

"Because we are going to make it up north."

I feel the air drop five degrees as Esme lets out another of her bitter laughs. I rarely say this but I think I like her better when she's not laughing.

"Oh yeah we are, do you know how much they pay for one escapee from Scravose never mind three."

She's standing now so she no longer has to look up at us when she speaks.

"They'll be caught by the first group of people that know how to put two and two together and we'll get thrown in there with them for helping them."

"Scravose is at the very southern end of the country and they're already halfway through the south. If they've made it this far then I doubt they'll get caught now."

"Say what ever you want Nuxly but I'm not going anywhere with them. We already have a big enough target on our back."

We already have a big enough target on our back.

Now what does she mean by that? Before I can even dwell on the thought I see Nuxly snap before my eyes.

His usually cool demeanor has been cast to the side as he glowers at Esme.

"Then please explain to me how we are going to get up north Esme? John was killed by that demon, wisp or whatever the hell you call it. He was our eyes and ears, he was our guide out of here incase you forgot."

Esme's lips curl into a gruesome sneer. Her expression darkens even more, if that's even possible and makes sure to dip each of her words in venom before she lets them loose.

"Incase you forgot you were the one who killed John or was it the wisp that pulled the trigger on him."

Her words are meant to hurt and they do just so.

A look of pain starts to spread across Nuxly's face.

"John killed Dan. Esme he went crazy, his his eyes changed he attacked us he attacked them and he would of killed us all if I didn't stop him." His voice has lost the fire it had just moment ago. "You know it and I know it." He stops for a moment to point his hands at us.

"They said it themselves."

His stance is strong but but he looks like he's having a hard time believing what he's saying.

"Just keep telling yourself that."

The sneer in her face has disappeared but she's still angry as she walks away.

I don't know if the tension around us increased of decreased but either way the tension is still there.

I glance over at Sam to see how he's taking this all in and of course he's wearing a look of amusement.

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