Chapter Eight

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It took Faith four days to mentally prepare herself.  She mostly practiced different meditation techniques and Tai Chi, a human martial art that helped focus and channel the energies of the body and soul.  When she wasn't preparing, she was either eating, sleeping, or darting off to excrete her bodily wastes.  And for the few hours a day when she did have time, the Horsemen tested and trained her.

Death volunteered to be her teacher on the first day, since he was the only one who hadn't yet seen her skills.  They spent an hour sparring in the forest clearing, weapons in hand.  He went easy on her, of course, but was still vaguely impressed by her technique and tactical acumen.  Towards the end of that hour, he summoned a few of his ghouls, and was utterly surprised when Faith channeled the dark lightning into her sword and easily cut them down.

He also noted how that power seemed to drain her.  Before using it, she'd shown incredible stamina for a human.  Now, she was breathless and trembling, her skin seemed paler and her eyes looked sunken.

"We can take a break, if you need it," he offered.

Panting, Faith nodded and pulled out her water canteen, then sat down with her back against a tree.  Death waited patiently for her to catch her breath, stowing his weapons as he pondered her last attack.

"Your skills are impressive," he told her.

She scoffed and sent him a wry smile.  "Please.  If this were a real fight, any one of you would totally kick my ass.  Especially given how this lighting power affects me."

"When did it first manifest?"

"The first time I sparred with War."  She sounded as breathless as she looked.  "He thinks it might be a side effect from my time in the Demon's Egg."  She took a few sips of water.  "I don't really know what else it might be, other than the replacement parasite."

Even with his mask, Death kept his expression placid.  "Why do you say that?"

"Well, it started when War hit my scar," she said, absently placing a hand on her stomach, "and maybe you haven't noticed, but it hasn't exactly been good for my health."

"And yet, you still live."

"That's because humans like to delay the inevitable.  But unlike most humans, I actually have some control over what's killing me."  She lifted her hand and studied it thoughtfully.  "The more I use this power, the faster it saps my strength.  That's why I only use it in small doses, and only when necessary.  War even forbade me from using it in the Crucible."

"He was clearly right to do so."

"I agree, but at the same time, I felt like he was holding me back."  She exhaled softly and smiled a little.  "The last time someone made me limit my abilities, it was also for my protection."

"How so?" Death found himself asking.

Her smile quickly became a frown.  "My knowledge wasn't popular in human society.  You wouldn't believe how scared it made some people.  I even got beaten up for it on more than one occasion."

The Horseman said nothing as she tilted the canister back.

"Oh, I defended myself," she told him, picking up on his silent question.  "Fifth Rule of Survival:  Never show weakness to someone you don't trust.  But most of the time, fighting back just gave the bullies another reason to fear me.  Letting them think they could hurt me made them feel better about themselves.  And gave me an excuse to kick their asses later."  She half-snorted, but the sound held no humor.  "Dumbasses."

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